2014-11-202013-09-27HONÓRIO, Maisa Dias. As demandas de Deus na justiça dos homens: conflitos religiosos em práticas discursivas jurídicas brasileiras. 2013. 116 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Letras e Linguística) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2013.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/3668Opening the range of possibilities that Linguistics offers us, especially studies of Discourse Analysis which focus on discourses from every activity of human sphere, I propose a study directed by analysis of collisions between legal and religious discourses which are present in some legal practices in our country. A priori, the Bakhtinian notions, as well as those elucidated by Foucault, Fairclough, Marcuschi have guided the theoretical paths gone through in this analysis by focusing on the dialogical character and, then, these two Intertextual discursive instances here taken as principles of analysis, Legal Discourse and Religious Discourse. This Research was developed by the selection of judicial records available in the archive sessions of the Court of Justice of the State of Goiás and, subsequently analyzed from the theoretical scope above-mentioned. The concepts of Religion and Law which are designed nowadays, and consequently the Religious and Legal discourse, is the result of various changes through the years. A legal discourse that dictates what is right and wrong, and judging based on the laws of conduct and ethics formulated by a secular state (our country) and a doctrine that rules customs and practices which evidence the path presented by God to ascend to heaven or punishment with hell, from the Holy Writs held by several segments as a Christian or Protestant, for example. As for the discourse analyst, the aim of this study is to identify the textual chain and the textual genres and their constituents that make up the judicial records that served as the corpus for this study and to identify the possible discursive formations and their constituent discourses, by observing as a discourse has the power to cover up other discourses in order to establish the effects of the senses that enable the formation of subjects as well as their positions in different discursive spheres, thus pointing the refraction of subjects, objects and images , such as the notions of ―Legality‖, ―Norm‖ and ―Conduct‖ what is common to both discursive domains here assumed as the object of analysis . Notably, another common trait emerging from the analyzed parts refers to the linearity of their constituent processes of production, distribution and consumption of these same texts, these aspects directly bound to the specificity of judicial social practice in particular.application/pdfAcesso AbertoDiscursoDiscurso jurídicoDiscurso religiosoPrática socialAnálise do discurso críticaDialogismoDiscourseLegal discourseReligious discourseSocial practiceCritical discourse analysisDialogismLINGUISTICA::LINGUISTICA APLICADAAs demandas de Deus na justiça dos homens: conflitos religiosos em práticas discursivas jurídicas brasileirasThe demands of God in the men's justice: religius conflicts in brazilian legal discourse practicesDissertação