2014-10-132012-12-19BARRETO, Bruno de Souza. Conservação de mamíferos no cerrado e em Goiás. 2012. 154 f. Tese (Doutorado em Ciências Ambientais) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2012.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/3334Increasingly biodiversity has lost diversity around the globe because of the way the human population have used natural resources. To reduce the impacts caused by human activity, conservation units (CU) have been created to ensure the maintenance of biodiversity. However, many conservation units were not established following scientific criteria and its efficiency can therefore be questioned. In this study we tried to evaluate the efficiency of conservation of the Cerrado based on species richness and beta diversity of mammals currently and in accord to climate change expected for 2080. We show through gap analyzes that species are represented in the current system both in the current climate and in the future. However, they have become rarer within CUs with climate change. We show that CUs do not capture a greater diversity than expected by chance. It is expected a larger number of species within the CUs in 2080, however, the number of species outside them will also be greater. As for beta diversity, there will be a reduction of the index in 2080 and both outside and within the UCs expected on average the same value. Climate change became UC’s Cerrado more inefficient, there will be an increase in the number of threatened species because of climate change interfering in the spatial arrangement of species on the Cerrado. This draws attention to the evaluation of systems of protected areas consider the spatial-temporal dynamics of the species.application/pdfAcesso AbertoModelagem de nichoRiquezaDiversidade betaMudanças climáticasModeling nicheRichnessBeta diversityClimate changeCONSERVACAO DA NATUREZA::RECUPERACAO DE AREAS DEGRADADASConservação de mamíferos no cerrado e em GoiásConservation biogeography of bats in the Brasilia cerradoTese