2014-07-292010-10-252010-08-06SOUZA, Ruiter da Silva. Analysis of Interaction Factors Between Piles in Piled Raft. 2010. 170 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharias) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2010.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tde/1320Researches done in the last decades concerning the settlement of pile foundations, mainly when it s considered as piled raft, had greatly evolved due the progress on computational tools used in the analysis. However, the tridimensional analysis of a pile foundation, taking into account the interaction between your components (soil, piles and raft), is still a very complex problem. To achieve a satisfactory evaluation of the interaction between the foundation's elements, numerical tools like Boundary Elements Method (B.E.M.), Finite Elements Method (F.E.M.) and hybrid methods, that combines two or more methods, are available, each one with its own advantages and drawbacks. The F.E.M. is considered in the technical sphere as the most complete method for piled raft evaluation, but your high processing time requirements, required in the analyses, prevents your usual employment. For this reason, a necessity to compare this methodology with others, as the one used in simplified programs, that decreases the processing time, arises. To evaluate the results proximity achieved by different methods, this work presents the simulation of some pile blocks, calculated as piled rafts, employing two programs (GARP and DIANA) to foresee your behavior. GARP is a hybrid program which analyzes the raft by using F.E.M. and the pilessoil set by B.E.M. and, like the other programs of same kind published in the literature, it doesn't take the influence between intermediary piles into account for the analysis. DIANA is a purely finite elements program, based on the displacement method. Thus, the main objective of this work was to evaluate how taking or not the interaction factor between piles into consideration can modify the predictions of settlement and pile loads. For that, it was evaluated how the attribution or omission of these interaction factors into specific regions that comprise some or all the piles, modifies the predictions of the foundation performance and makes them approximate or distant from the F.E.M. results, considering the most exact one. The way that the simplified programs handle the problem, makes the settlement previsions excessive. To contour this and to make the settlement results from the simplified methods become close of the expected ones from F.E.M., the discovered way was the imposition of a limit in the distance used in the calculation of the piles interaction, based on the raft's size and the number of piles in that case. Many examples of pile rafts in homogeneous soils was evaluated and the maximum distance limits of interaction between piles that generated the best results in the settlement prevision are shown. In all examples, the effect of raft stiffness in these results was also taken into account. Also, an analysis case in heterogeneous soil was done, where it was observed that this fact also interferes in the piles interaction process. For pile load predictions, the results were distinct from settlement prediction and was noticed that not limiting the maximum interaction distance between the piles generated the best previsions.application/pdfAcesso AbertoRadier EstaqueadoEstacasMétodos NuméricosPiled RaftPilesNumerical MethodsCNPQ::ENGENHARIAS::ENGENHARIA CIVIL::GEOTECNICAAnálise dos fatores de interação entre estacas em radier estaqueado : comparação entre duas ferramentas numéricasAnalysis of Interaction Factors Between Piles in Piled RaftDissertação