2021-09-202021-09-202021-08-18MELLO, L. G. A. S. Compreensão e produção escrita de textos literários em língua inglesa: práticas dialógicas e colaborativas em foco. 2021. 273 f. Tese (Doutorado o em Letras e Linguística) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2021.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/11640In this research, I propose to identify and discuss the elements that contribute to the comprehension and written production of literary texts, in English language teaching and learning, based on dialogic and collaborative practices. This is a case study developed with 8th grade students from a public school in the city of Goiânia, Goiás. The activities were designed based on four distinct literary genres, namely, a poem, a children's literary book, a fable and a song, I took into consideration the theoretical assumptions of Rees, Pereira and Mello (2018), which help teachers to plan activities based on literary texts in order to provide students with opportunities to engage themselves in discourse. As the objective was to promote dialogical and collaborative practices, both the comprehension activities and the discussions and productions of literary texts took place in groups or in pairs, at school, during the English language classes. The data generation process took place between September and December 2019 and I used the following research instruments: an initial questionnaire, comprehension activities and discussion of literary texts in English carried out by the students, literary texts produced by them collaboratively, field diary and final questionnaire. These instruments enabled to identify, from the participants point of view, their understanding of the term literature; the positive and negative points regarding the use of literary texts to promote language teaching as a responsible response; discuss the elements involved in the textual comprehension processes promoted by the students; and highlight which dialogic elements, essentially cultural and intercultural, contribute to the understanding and production of literary texts. The thesis is based on Vygotsky (1981, 1989, 1993) and Figueiredo (2001, 2006, 2018, 2019), to discuss the sociocultural theory and the collaborative learning principles; in the studies of Bakhtin (1997, 2009, 2011, 2010), to discuss the dialogical essence of language and the formation of the dialogical subject; on the studies of Figueredo (2007), Rocha (2009), Sousa and Figueredo (2017), Gonçalves-Penna and Padilha (2018) and Rodrigues and Figueredo (2019) to discuss the relevance of dialogic and collaborative teaching-learning practices; and on the theoretical assumptions of Lazar (2004), Kramer (2013) and Szundy (2014) to address the potential of using literary texts with a view to promoting education as a responsible response. The textual comprehension activities based on literary texts showed that the study participants were able not only to decode the words, but also to complement the gaps with their experiences and prior knowledge about the topics covered. The collaborative production of literary texts, in turn, enabled the learners to broaden their linguistic-discursive experiences, and it was an expressive tool for them to reveal their subjectivities. The contributions of this study extend to foreign language teachers who seek to reformulate their teaching practices and complement the textbook with activities grounded on literary texts so as to promote a critical-reflective positioning of learners and not just a grammatical knowledge of the language.Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalEducação linguísticaInglêsLiteraturaEducação básicaLinguistic educationEnglishLiteratureBasic educationLINGUISTICA, LETRAS E ARTES::LINGUISTICACompreensão e produção escrita de textos literários em língua inglesa: práticas dialógicas e colaborativas em focoWritten comprehension and production of literary texts in English: dialogic and collaborative practices in focusTese