2019-05-082019-04-09LISBOA, Pablo Fabião. Museu 4.0: um olhar museológico sobre as práticas museais tecnológicas contemporâneas. 2019. 414 f. Tese (Doutorado em Arte e Cultura Visual) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2019.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/9582In contemporary times, the ontology for museums undergoes lasting changes driven by the supporting presence of digital technologies and their legacy of systemic thinking, by the postmodern condition of coexisting diverse themes and artifacts, and by the sense-producing capacity that museums have due to their very nature as machines to create narratives. In this connection, the concept of Museal Fact, which emerges from the relation of man to an object in a scenario (GUARNIERI, 1981), also goes through interpretive changes. Increasingly included in the musealization processes of safeguarding and communication, digital technologies that cause psychic, social and cultural impacts deeply affect the condition of the subject, the object, and the scenario, requiring conceptual negotiations in the context of Museology that will impact the everyday routine of museums. When considering the contemporary museal practices from a museological perspective, a set of paradigmatic changes that press for an ontological updating of museums is revealed. Thus, we come to the concept of Museum 4.0 (Smart Museum), which corresponds to the fourth generation of museums that works in a complex way, building on a post-technological condition that consists in the application of systemic thinking to all processes, with or without the employment and embedding of digital technologies. This complexity of contemporary museums makes the museological operational chain liquid and breaks with the exclusive paradigm of museums as places of possession and safeguard to consider the status of accessing and sharing, reinventing their social function and therefore their ontology. We believe that the future of museums is not only technological but rather complex, catalyzed by the designation of Museum 4.0 (Smart Museum).application/pdfAcesso AbertoMuseu 4.0Smart museuFato musealProcessos de musealizaçãoCadeia operatória museológicaMuseum 4.0Smart museumMuseal factMusealization processesMuseological operational chainLINGUISTICA, LETRAS E ARTES::ARTESMuseu 4.0: um olhar museológico sobre as práticas museais tecnológicas contemporâneasMuseum 4.0: a museological look at contemporary technological museal practicesTese