2022-05-202022-05-202022-04-06LIMA, I. N. Educação Física no núcleo ampliado da saúde da família: revisão integrativa da literatura. 2022. 144 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação Física) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2022.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/12077The general objective of this work was to analyze the scientific production related to physical education at NASF, from 2010 to 2020, in the Lilacs, Scielo, and BVS databases, considering the dimensions and possibilities of intervention centered on the professional 'core' of EF and from ‘field'. The results showed that, among the 16 articles researched, 11 are empirical and five are theoretical. Despite the advances in publications related to physical education in public health, this professional’s actions within the NASF are still focused on the curative and medicinal conception of physical education in health. Among the articles there are debates about the initial training of physical education professionals to work in NASF; criticism of the activities carried out, structures and equipment; and the production also points out that the work of the EF and the NASF, in general, needs to be focused on the concerns of carrying out the multidisciplinary work provided for in the legal frameworks of this policy, especially when analyzing the contents of the articles relating them to the category 'field'. It is considered that there is a gap and a mismatch between the current legislation, related to Brazilian public health policies, and what has been done in practice and at work in the NASF that involve the PEF. Thus, there is still a lot to be done concerning this issue so that the PEF can bring more resolution to SUS users in the actions carried out within the health system as a whole, but especially the NASF, leading the system to approach a transforming, humanized praxis that considers the reality and the diversity of contexts in the territories that involve communities in need of health care.Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalEducação FísicaSaúde públicaNúcleo profissional da Educação FísicaCampoPhysical EducationPublic healthThe professional core of Physical EducationFieldCIENCIAS DA SAUDE::EDUCACAO FISICAEducação Física no núcleo ampliado da saúde da família: revisão integrativa da literaturaPhysical Education in the expanded nucleus of family health: integrative literature reviewDissertação