2018-04-062008-12-10SOUZA JÚNIOR, E.S. Estudo dos protozoários intestinais oportunistas através da reação de polimerase em cadeia (PCR), em Goiânia-GO, Brasil (1999-2007). 2008. 118 f. Tese (Doutorado em Medicina Tropical e Saúde Publica) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2008.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/8315The Coccidia (Phylum Microspora) and Microsporidia (Phylum Apicomplexa) are responsible for a range of clinical pictures, and with important mortality rate, usually in patients with compromising of the immunological system. Its occurrence has been underestimated in our milieu maybe for the lack of knowledge on the part of the professionals of the health, or, by existence of a few qualified laboratories for its identification. The recognition of the species causing the infection is fundamental to guide the therapeutic handling to be adopted and definition of the infected patient's prognostic. This recognition is only possible through electronic Microscopy and of biomolecular techniques, standing out the of the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). The present study it is part of a longitudinal study, developed in the IPTSP/UFG, on the clinical profile, epidemiologist and laboratorial of these agents. It specifically aims at to describe the standartization and the use of the PCR in the laboratorial diagnosis of opportunist protozoa in clinical samples human beings and as instrument of study of consumption waters human being in the city of Goiânia-GO, basic instrument for the control of these protozoa. The study it was carried through between october 1999 and december 2007. In the total were appraised 994 patient: 1) 664 immunocompromissed patients (with immunossuppression or immunodepression) with diarrhea coming from the School Hospital of UFG and of reference units in attendance to the health of the Goiás State; 2) 330 individuals from the community, by aleatory selection seemingly without disturbances of immunological systems and coming of the health reference units (unique sample). All of the samples were submitted to techniques of HPJ, Rugai and specific colorations for the diagnosis of the Coccidia (Hot Kinyoun) and intestinal Microsporidia (Hot-Chromotrope-Kokoskin), with previous coprological concentration through the ethyl formalin-acetate technique. The suggestive laboratorial infections were confirmed by the PCR technique, when the sample was enough. The confirmation and the identification of the species for PCR indicated the presence of the Encephalitozoon intestinalis, Enterocytozoon bieneusi, Cryptosporidium parvum/hominis in the analyzed samples. The standardization of the technique of PCR for ambient samples (water) was made from a survey carried through in the rivers and lakes of the city of Goiânia-GO. Inside of this quantitative one was found of Cryptosporidium parvum/hominis, demonstrating the viability of the PCR for ambient analyses that search the presence of opportunist protozoa in the water. These findings reveal, on one side, that these agents are present in ours milieu causing infections isolated or associated (co-infections), among them or with other infect-parasitic agents, being constituted in a risk for the populations of immunocompromised patients; and for other hand, they suggest in the need of implanting, more improvement diagnosis techniques, to define the clinical and epidemiological aspects of opportunistic protozoa species circulating in the Goiás State.application/pdfAcesso AbertoEnteroparasitas oportunistasDiagnóstico laboratorialOpportunistic intestinal parasitesLaboratory diagnosisCLINICA MEDICA::DOENCAS INFECCIOSAS E PARASITARIASEstudo dos protozoários intestinais oportunistas através da reação de polimerase em cadeia (PCR), em Goiânia-GO, Brasil (1999-2007)Study of opportunist intestinal protozoars through the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), in Goiânia-GO, Brazil (1999-2007)Tese