2019-10-172011-09-22CASTRO, Thiago Quintiliano de. Avaliação do desempenho de pavimentos permeáveis. 2011. 91 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia do Meio Ambiente) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2011.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/10106This study aimed to evaluate the experimental performance of three types of permeable pavements constructed in three different structural conditions in order to control runoff in urbanized areas of the city of Goiania, Goias, adapting to the legal requirements and using local manufactured materials. It was evaluated nine experimental plots of 3.2 m² as the following types: PAV - concrete block "paver", PCP - porous concrete plate and GCC - concrete block "concregrama" and the following structural conditions: I - base of sand and natural subgrade, II - base of sand and compacted subgrade and III - base of sand, gravel subbase and compacted subgrade. Using an artificial rain simulator, 18 tests were performed with two pre-defined rain, a medium intensity (69 mm / h) and a high intensity (180 mm / h). The subgrade soil and building materials were characterized, measured the surface and subsurface runoff, and moisture of the layers of the pavement. The parameters of the models of Horton and Green-Ampt were obtained by adjusting the calculated data infiltration. Combinations PCP-II, PCP-III, II-CCG, CCG-III and PAV-III showed little or no runoff. The delay and persistence in critical times of the runoff hydrograph also secured good results to the PCP, which generally showed higher soaking times (7,2 to 30,4 minutes) compared to the other types of pavement. The structure that showed the best hydrological performance was the III, whose results ranged from 0 to 0,19 for the runoff coefficient. The results showed that porous pavements evaluated in this study contribute to the reduction of runoff, because of low runoff coefficients (0 to 0,36) obtained. Constructive guidelines on the type of permeable pavement that performed better were drawn and described.application/pdfAcesso AbertoPavimentos permeáveisControle do escoamento superficialParâmetros de infiltração de Horton e de Green-AmptPermeable pavementsSurface runoff controlInfiltration parameters of Horton and Green-AmptENGENHARIA CIVIL::CONSTRUCAO CIVILAvaliação do desempenho de pavimentos permeáveisExperimental analysis of permeable pavementsDissertação