2020-10-192020-10-192020-08-27BIANCHI, F. Os escritos políticos de Cunha Leal e os impasses do colonialismo português em África (1961-1963). 2020. 155 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em História) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2020.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/10865This master’s thesis presents the thinking of a Portuguese colonialist, Francisco Pinto da Cunha Leal (1888-1970), who proposed the continuity of the Portuguese colonialism within the African continent. It aims to understand the motivations to continue colonization, through the colonisers’ discourses. It first presents Cunha Leal's institutional trajectory. Afterwards, it develops the concept of self-determination of the colonies, as argued in his four books, published under the Collection Coisas do Tempo Presente [Things of Present Times], between the years 1961 and 1963. For it, the ideas and works were contextualized in the period when the war Angola started, as well as an international pressure, specially within the United Nations, so Portugal would grant independence to its colonies. In the third step of the research, the ideas encompassed by the writings of Cunha Leal were put in debate with the ones set forth by other Portuguese of the same time frame: Pacheco de Amorim, Franco Nogueira and Henrique Galvão — who exhibited diverging ideas, yet sometimes discreet, for the continuity of Portuguese colonialism; what we thus consider to represent the thoughts of groups made by those who believed in the action of colonisation and/or feared the economical consequences of the lost of the colonies. We conclude the ideas of these authors on Portuguese colonialism constituted the framework of justifications that took the sovereignty from the native peoples, ideas that came to be defeated in the years to come.Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalColonialismo portuguêsDescolonizaçãoAutodeterminaçãoCunha LealPortuguese colonialismDecolonizationSelfdeterminationCunha LealCIENCIAS HUMANAS::HISTORIAOs escritos políticos de Cunha Leal e os impasses do colonialismo português em África (1961-1963)Political writings of Cunha Leal and the deadlock of the Portuguese colonialism in Africa (1961-1963)Dissertação