2019-10-042019-09-06SILVA, J. R. Dinâmica do carbono em solos sob áreas de pastagens no bioma cerrado. 2019. 128 f. Tese (Doutorado em Geografia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2019.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/10067The degradation process that affects several terrestrial environments has led to severe impacts on food production, environmental, social and economic conditions in various regions of the globe. As an example of this, climate change with the increase in greenhouse gas (GHG) levels, especially CO2 has been a worrying factor, since the change in the cycle of carbon is leading to an increase in the earth's surface temperature, which has led to There are several proposals to mitigate the effects of this increase and even sequester the CO2 from the atmosphere to fix it in some component of the various systems. In this sense, the pasture has shown significant results in storing carbon in the soil, removing it from the atmosphere. The objective was to evaluate the potential of Cerrado pastures to sequester and store carbon in the soil. To this end, field data were collected in the Rio Vermelho River Basin (BHRV) in the state of Goiás, with semi-structured questionnaires, as well as aerial and belowground biomass and soil data collection in this area, data from the research by Assad et al., 2013, from which information regarding the soils (density, texture, pH, O.M, C stock and others) of various pasture areas in the Cerrado biome were obtained. Thus, to understand the behavior of carbon in the soil in these two research areas, modeling (Century) of the soil data in the pasture areas for the Cerrado and BHRV points was also performed proposing productive management scenarios. The results demonstrated the potential that modeling has to infer the behavior of C dynamics in pasture, as well as to understand possible management scenarios that aim to improve areas with low productivity and ensure increased soil C stocks. Evaluating the correlation between the observed and simulated data obtained by the model r2 of 0.58, considering the managements 1 and 2 in the productive scenarios the rates of carbon increment in the pasture were 0.5 and 0.46 respectively. The ABC (Low Carbon Agriculture) plan proves to be an efficient way to apply productive management scenarios as they increase livestock productivity per hectare and increase biomass as well as favoring CO2 sequestration from the atmosphere. The model did not obtain satisfactory results for the BHRV region. Therefore, we tried to understand the factors that influenced the C stocks in these areas, so it was possible to measure that besides the model variables, the slope, altitude and CTC were measured. that changed the stocks of C. The modeling process of a system applied to large areas has shown great potential as a fast and low cost method as there is a need for reliable methods to apply resources in strategies that increase the productivity of pasture areas and which mitigate GHG emissions in anthropogenic systems.application/pdfAcesso AbertoPastagemCarbonoSoloManejoModelagemPastureCarbonSoilManagementModelingCIENCIAS HUMANAS::GEOGRAFIADinâmica do carbono em solos sob áreas de pastagens no bioma cerradoCarbon dynamics in soil under pasture areas in the cerrado biomeTese