2014-09-242013-07-05LABOISSIÈRE, Michele. Parâmetros de incubação, desempenho e qualidade do esqueleto de frangos obtidos de embriões suplementados in ovo com 25-hidroxi-colecalciferol. 2013. 146 f. Tese (Doutorado em Ciência Animal) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2013.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/3152Three experiments were carried out to evaluate the effect of in ovo supplementation of 25(OH)D3 at 18-19 days of incubation in the fertile egg hatchability, embryonic mortality, chick hatched quality, performance and bone quality of broilers. Egg incubation was performed in São Salvador Alimentos S/A hatchery. In the removal to hatch machine and vaccination, for all experiments, eggs with viable embryos were inoculated one with placebo and other with 25(OH)D3 added to the vaccine solution. The compatibility of the vaccine and 25(OH)D3 was verified for the dosis tested, zero and 1.250g of 25(OH)D3 which is equivalent to 50 UI of vitamin D3. Eggs were wrapped in air-permeable bags in order to separate and iidentify all the egg components and chick after birth. In the experiments, the incubation period (hours), the fertile eggs hatchability, the embryo mortality, the weight, length and quality of the newborn chicks were evaluated. Newborn chicks were allotted in the experimental facilities of the UFG to measure performance variables. Data were analysed using the R statistical package, version 2.14.2 at 5% probability level. In Experiment 1, no significant difference was observed in hatchability and embryo mortality between treatments. Chick quality and weight at seven days of age were worst for the group inoculated with 25(OH)D3. In Experiment 2, fertile egg hatchability and livability until 21 days of age were increased (p<0,05) for broilers obtained from 25(OH)D3 inoculated eggs. But, chick weight, weight gain, feed-intake and feed conversion until 21 days of age. In Experiment 3, no difference (p>0,05) was observed between treatments for fertile egg hatchability, embryo mortality, newly-hatched chick quality, average hatch weight, weight gain, feed intake, mortality and feed conversion from one to 35 days of age. No difference (p>0,05) occurred for leg problems evaluations like gait score, vagus-varus deformities, tibial discondroplasia, bone resistance and mineral density. Then, the use of 25(OH)D3 in ovo at 19 days of embryo development was not effective to increase performance and bone quality in broilers.application/pdfAcesso AbertoEmbriãoFrango de corteSuplementação in ovoVitamina DBroilerIn ovo supplementationEmbryoVitamin DPRODUCAO ANIMAL::INSTALACOES PARA PRODUCAO ANIMALParâmetros de incubação, desempenho e qualidade do esqueleto de frangos obtidos de embriões suplementados in ovo com 25-hidroxi-colecalciferolParameters of incubation, quality and performance of the skeleton of chicken embryo suplemented obtained in egg with 25-hydroxy-colecalciferolTese