2014-09-262013-09-30NASCIMENTO, Ana Paula Rodrigues do. Da 'queixa' ao fracasso escolar: um estudo sobre a predominância do encaminhamento de meninos aos serviços de psicologia. 2013. 104 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2013.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/3176Based on a critical perspective in psychology and education, the aim of this study is to understand the aspects involved on the prevalence of sending boys with learning complaints for psychological care in school clinics of psychology and public health units. Knowing that school failure is a phenomenon socially developed, this discussion seeks to reflect on the mechanisms that produce learning complaints in boys and how these complaints, built in school, become on intrinsic issues, making the psychological support one of the ways of resolving for school problems. In order to investigate the aim study, bibliographical research was used as methodology, considering it essential to uncover the problem raised by this research. A seek in the thesis and dissertations from Capes, in the SciELO electronic library, virtual library in health (BVS) and electronic journals in psychology (PEPSIC) was adopted, using the following descriptors: “characterization of child clients in school clinics of psychology”, “characterization of child clients in public health services”, boys scholastic complaints”, “school failure of boys”, “relationship between gender and education”, “gender and school failure of boys”, “gender and school performance”, “prevalence of male children taken to school clinics of psychology or public health services”. Two groups of bibliographic sources were used: the first group is constituted by studies and researches in psychology which investigated the infant demand for psychological support in school clinics of psychology and public health services; the second group consists of studies and researches in the area of education that investigated the school failure of boys. From the description and analysis of the literature corpus, it was possible to seize some aspects that contribute to the prevalence of boys with school complaints, which allowed questioning conceptions that naturalize their development processes and situate the theme proposed in historical and cultural context of gender relations.application/pdfAcesso AbertoQueixa escolarFracasso escolarMeninosSchool complaintSchool failureBoysEDUCACAO::ORIENTACAO E ACONSELHAMENTODa 'queixa' ao fracasso escolar: um estudo sobre a predominância do encaminhamento de meninos aos serviços de psicologiaFrom the complaint to the school failure: a study on the prevalence of boys foward psychologyDissertação