2014-07-292009-07-282006-09-04RODRIGUES, Fernanda Ferreira Belo. Changes in work and action of workers in trade union education. 2006. 258 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Humanas) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2006.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tde/2035This studying has objective to analyze the union action of workers in education from the Union of Works in Education of Goias UWEG (Sintego), between 1988 and 2004. The search in analyzing and understanding how is structured the union action of UWEG (Sintego) in relation to the guarantee of flow of the worker fight presented in the way of the challenges lived in the working world and inserted in the political conjunctures inspirited in new-liberal conceptions. The union of workers in Goias has been affected in a context of a society guided by the capital logic, where the union fight has faced great challenges to guarantee the most elementary and defensive fight to the workers classes: the right for work, employment. This way, considering these problems and analyzes, the actual debate that has been accruing, in a worldwide level, in the capitalist system of production and in the work word, like the discussions about the union and political organization in Brazil and Goias. This way, looking of Antunes; Bhir; Boito Junior; Marx; Mascarenhas; Mészáros; Rodrigues; Oliveira, A; Oliveira,D, and so on, as theory resorts of supporting these analyzes. The methodology used in this study refers to proposes of a considerable research, using the method of colleting information; documental analyzes and interviews with union leaders and works in a public education in Goias.application/pdfAcesso AbertoMudanças no mundo do trabalhosindicatostrabalhadores em educaçãoSintegoChanges in the working wordunionsworkers in education and Union of Works in Education of GoiasSintego1. Trabalhadores - Educação - I. Mascarenhas, Angela Cristina Belem (Co-autor) II. Universidade Federal de GoiasCNPQ::CIENCIAS HUMANAS::EDUCACAOAs mudanças no mundo do trabalho e a ação sindical dos trabalhadores em educaçãoChanges in work and action of workers in trade union educationDissertação