2014-09-152013-06-28SOSNOSKI, Thaisy. Historiografia e memória: Biblioteca do Sesquicentenário da Independência do Brasil (1972). 2013. 149 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Historia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2013.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/3057In the commemorations of 150th anniversary Brazil's Independence (1972) the government of General Médici by means of a central commission organized an extensive schedule of commemorative events, among the events was the elaboration the Sesquicentenary's Library, carried out in partnership with the Brazilian Historical and Geographical Institute (IHGB). This thesis addresses the setting up of the Library, this collection aimed to edit and reissue works on Brazil’s Independence and others that were considered important to the understanding of the period. The creating of a library with works on Brazil’s Independence points up the mnemonic feature of historiography, in which it records the writing of history is sometimes confused with the national history. The works that make up the Library deal with two different times , 1822 and 1972. Thus in addition to structure a speech about the event celebrated (Independence), the Library also had the function of legitimizing the power effect at the time of the celebrations.application/pdfAcesso AbertoBibliotecaComemoraçãoHistoriografia e memóriaLibraryCommemorationHistoriography and memoryHISTORIA::HISTORIA DO BRASILHistoriografia e memória: Biblioteca do Sesquicentenário da Independência do Brasil (1972)Historiography and Memory: Library of the Sesquicentenary Brazil’s IndependenceDissertação