2018-08-292016-12-07SILVESTRE, Viviane Pires Viana. Práticas problematizadoras e de(s)coloniais na formação de professores/as de línguas: teorizações construídas em uma experiência com o Pibid. 2016. 239 f. Tese (Doutorado em Letras e Linguística) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2016.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/8834In this study, I focus on a teacher education experience lived through a Pibid/Letras/English subproject carried out from August 2012 to February 2014, in partnership with a full-time public school located within the state of Goiás. The main objective of this study is to investigate the potential for critical and collaborative language teacher education favored by the context of Pibid (Programa Institucional de Bolsa de Iniciação à Docência [Institutional Scholarship Program for Initiation to Teaching]). Therefore, this study is guided by the broad scope of Critical Applied Linguistics, with emphasis on postmodern assumptions, combined with decolonial studies. Besides, this is a qualitative research-based inquiry, and it is also characterized as a critical and collaborative education-research for its hybrid peculiarity of research and teacher education taking place simultaneously. In addition to the first chapter focused on methodological aspects, the paper is organized into three other chapters composed of theories stemming both from the literature of the area and the empirical material of the study, focusing on: critical issues, collaboration, and Pibid, respectively. Thus, in the second chapter, I focus on the problematizing practices experienced in this research, sharing concerns about some of the contemporary demands of language teacher education and discussing the teachers’ meaning making of critical teacher education, regarding the following features: self-reflexivity, critical perception, theoretical studies on critical perspectives of language education, problematizing language, and identity engagement. In the third chapter, I emphasize the collaborative practices experienced in this study, under a decolonial perspective, highlighting three central aspects: spaces of speech, flattened hierarchy and teacher agency. In the fourth chapter, I discuss the teachers’ perceptions of Pibid, underlining the initiation and motivation to teaching, research engagement, developments in basic education, and shifts in school-university relationship; I also problematize the role of Pibid towards the challenges of the teaching profession nowadays, especially within the local context of this study. In these discussions, I emphasize both the expanded perspectives and the tensions experienced throughout the process. At the same time, I consider the reinventions of critical and collaborative perspectives of language teacher education and the expansions in the understanding of Pibid that were (not) made possible through this local practice.application/pdfAcesso AbertoFormação de professores/as de línguasLinguística aplicada críticaColaboraçãoEstudos de(s)coloniaisPibidLanguage teacher educationCritical applied linguisticsCollaborationDecolonial studiesLINGUISTICA, LETRAS E ARTES::LETRASPráticas problematizadoras e de(s)coloniais na formação de professores/as de línguas: teorizações construídas em uma experiência com o PibidDecolonial and problematizing practices in language teacher education: theorizations developed in a Pibid experienceTese