2014-07-292010-06-172007-07-30GUIMARÃES, Marília Mendonça. Use of fruits murici-pass processing and nutritional quality of cereal bars. 2007. 68 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciencias Agrárias - Agronomia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2007.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tde/1455This work evaluated the physical and chemical characteristics of dried murici fruits and its contribution on the nutritional and sensorial value of cereal bars. Initially, the fruits were processed in three repetitions (MP1, MP2, MP3), by using an osmotic solution and being dried in a heater with forced circulation (70ºC/6 hours). After that, five formulations of cereal bars were elaborated containing dried murici and/or dried banana (BCM0 100% banana, BCM25 25% murici and 75% banana, BCM50 50% murici and 50% banana, BCM75 75% murici and 25% banana, BCM100 100% murici). The moisture, leached ashes, protein, lipids and total carbohydrate by difference of murici in natura, dried murici and cereal bars were analyzed. Also, the analysis of the dietary fiber and microbiological of both dried murici and cereal bar was carried through, as well as the sensorial analysis of the bars. It was also determined, for the murici in natura and dried murici, the Aw, the pH and the soluble solids. The data were analyzed by the variation coefficient, the variance analysis, the Tukey test (p < 0,05) and the correlation of Pearson. The content of macronutrients was higher in dried murici fruits than in murici in natura: carbohydrate (62,00 to 67,00% versus 19.60%), lipids (6,80 to 7,00% versus 3,00%), proteins (1,60 to 1.70% versus 0.86%) and leached ashes (1,00 versus 0.60%). About Aw results, the repetitions did not differed significantly: (MP1 0,83±0,05; MP2: 0,78±0,04; MP3: 0,85±0,03) and the pH remained below of 4,5. The fruits in natura (10,67±0,58º Brix) presented lesser soluble solids percentage than the dry fruits (MP1: 42,82±0,07; MP2: 42,82±0,14; MP3: 42,98±0,11). The energetic value (kcal.100g-1) of dried murici tripled when compared to this value for murici in natura (MP1: 335,51; MP2: 328,09; MP3: 316,54; M: 109,10). The dietary fiber content of the MP1 was 26,04±0,38g.100g-1. The microbiological results were satisfactory. The formulations of cereal bars presented in average 10,00% moisture, 76,00% total carbohydrate, 4.70% lipids, 7.30% protein and 1.20% leached ashes. The addition of dried murici to cereal bars increased its fiber content and favored the appearance analysis, while acceptability was satisfactory in ratio 75:25 of dried banana and dried murici. Concluding, the elaboration of dried murici and its use in nourishing products as cereal bars is totally possible.application/pdfAcesso Abertomuricidesidrataçãobarra de cerealfibra alimentarmuricidehydrationcereal bardietary fiberCNPQ::CIENCIAS AGRARIAS::CIENCIA E TECNOLOGIA DE ALIMENTOS::CIENCIA DE ALIMENTOSUtilização de frutos de murici-passa no processamento e qualidade nutricional de barras de cereaisUse of fruits murici-pass processing and nutritional quality of cereal barsDissertação