2017-10-162017-08-22BUENO, Denise Cristina. Educação e tecnologia no estado de Goiás: o projeto formativo de professores multiplicadores do Programa Nacional de Informática na Educação na concepção dos formadores. 2017. 147 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2017.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/7884This study is associated with the research line "State, Policies and History of Education" of the Postgraduate Program in Education of the Federal University of Goiás, whose objective is to identify and analyze a conception of trainers about the NTE Goiás, with the next problem: "What is the training project of the multiplier teacher in the perspective of the teachers who train the NTE multipliers for the insertion of technologies in education in Goiás?" Its object is the training project of multiplier teachers from the perspective of the trainers. For this study, the dialectical method is adopted, since it is considered a synthesis of multiple determinations, it is not homogeneous, but a field of conflicts, expressing the different interests of classes. In this sense, this research does not seek to identify the opposition between the proclaimed and the realized, between the policies and the formative practices of the teacher trainer in forming the teacher multiplier, but takes all these elements as constituents of a unit as a hegemonic process oriented by the concrete conditions. As a reference, Marx (1974, 1979, 1985, 2010, 2013), Marcuse (1973), Marx and Engels (2010), Saviani (2007) (UFG, UFRPE, PUC-RIO, PUC-SP) from different regions of the country, using as standardized questionnaires and semi-structured interviews aimed at apprehending a conception of trainers about the formative processes for an insertion of technologies in Goiás (Proinfo), proposed by policies of insertion of technologies in education to constitute the formative process of the multiplier, offered by the specialist trainer, to incorporate a technological rationality marked either by instrumentalization or by determinism, or both, always aligned with neoliberal ideals. Therefore, from the analysis of the data, we understand an inclination, from the development of the trainer's work, to a technological rationality, through actions aimed at individualizing and technifying the pedagogical process of the formative work. Finally, the corpus was submitted to the analysis based on the categories: rationalization and technological rationality. This analysis provided for the organization of data into two thematic blocks: the role of technology in education and a conception of teacher education. It can be affirmed that technological rationality obstructs the mediation of the formative processes, considering as structural conditions constituent of the relations between the subjects.application/pdfAcesso AbertoEducação e tecnologiaRacionalidade tecnológicaProcessos formativosFormadores e multiplicadoresEducation and technologyTechnological rationalityFormative processesTrainers and multipliersFUNDAMENTOS DA EDUCACAO::HISTORIA DA EDUCACAOEducação e tecnologia no estado de Goiás: o projeto formativo de professores multiplicadores do Programa Nacional de Informática na Educação na concepção dos formadoresEducation and technology in the state of Goiás: the formative project of teachers multiplicadores of the National Program of Informatics in the education in the conception of the trainersDissertação