2017-03-242016-12-24FARIA, A. C. S. Vigilância alimentar e nutricional na estratégia saúde da família de um município de grande porte de Goiás. 2016. 101 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Saúde Coletiva) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2016.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/6999The national policy of nourishment and nutrition has nine guidelines showing its lines of actions and purposes that serves for framework to plan, execute, and monitor actions made upon health services in the Unified Health System. The third refers to Nourishment and Nutritional Care that has for its main purpose to understand, through informational systems, health and nutritional information of the population in order to contribute in finding the priorities, politics and public actions, rearranging service’s assistance, boosting the possibility of decision making and quality effective interventions. The idea of the performance of Nourishment and Nutritional Care on Family Health Strategy in Aparecida de Goiânia county (GO). It’s about a large-scale, transversal, indentifying work which had its data gathered from 201 health professionals that are part of FHS on the county, through individual, self-enforcing query it raised data showing a professional profile of the workers the accomplishing Nutritional and Nourishment Care consciousness and a check-list answered by one professional of each Base Health Unit for equipment related info. When analyzed the professionals profile it was noticed the majority was female, with the average age of 38 to 41 years old, including community health representatives, nursing technicians, nurses and doctors. In association of Nourishment and Nutritional Care’s actions half of the professionals have heard about the subject and are capable of recognizing the developed motions on health unit. Out of Nourishment and Nutritional Care developed frequency it’s been realized the frequency and influence those actions are carried out vary according to professional category. Between arrised difficulties the main were: lack of training, lack of interest, understanding or socioeconomic questions from the population, and the need of a professional nutritionist on the team or on the ambulatory care. In a group of individuals that participated in this process, the focus was pregnant women, care takers of children age below 2, hypertensive and diabetics. As in anthropometric equipment, more than a half of the professionals found into be enough and in good conditions. When defyning population’s nutritional profile accompanied by Nourishment and Nutritional Care it has come to surface the entry numbers on the system is small, making it unable to understand and grasp the reality. The results will serve as support for elaborations of effective planning and investment on systematic monitoring process and this, helping improve professional practice on Base Health Unit, ensuring a quality service to health and nutrition to population.application/pdfAcesso AbertoVigilância alimentar e nutricionalProgramas e políticas de nutrição e alimentaçãoEstratégia saúde da famíliaAtenção básica à saúdeSistema Unico de SaúdeNutritional survellanceNutrition programs and policiesFamily health strategyPrimary health careUnified Health SystemCIENCIAS DA SAUDE::SAUDE COLETIVAVigilância alimentar e nutricional na estratégia saúde da família de um município de grande porte de GoiásFood and nutrition surveillance in the family health strategy of a large county of GoiásDissertação