2019-09-062019-06-17FERREIRA, Maíra Soares. Pisando em óvulos: a violência obstétrica como uma punição sexual às mulheres. 2019. 204 f. Tese (Doutorado em Sociologia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2019.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/9989Faced with a social context in which instrumental deliveries predominate through cesarean surgery in private hospitals and the "cascade of interventions" in the vaginal deliveries of Brazilian public hospitals, a women's movement marked the beginning of the 21st century with the appointment of "obstetric violence" (OV). The understanding of OV ranges from physical, psychological, verbal, symbolic, sexual aggressions to negligence in attendance, discrimination, excessive and inappropriate medication, consent to obstetric practices not recommended, painful, harmful and unfounded in scientific evidence - lived during the gestation, childbirth, birth and postpartum. Given this scenario, the aim of the thesis is to analyze the aspects of this violence - with imposition of pain, suffering and avoidable deaths, legitimized by obstetric science and authorized by the State as sexual and reproductive health care. The hypothesis that guided the research is that OV is a misogynist act of punishment to women, the result of centuries of denial of their sexuality and ability to decide. The central question that the research sought to answer is how political authorization was given to violate women's bodies, as well as its naturalization and justified invisibility in obstetric science and practiced in sexual and reproductive health care. Using a qualitative approach, the research developed in three dimensions: 1) Genealogical reconstruction of the term and analysis of the OV conjuncture from reported cases, normative instruments, national and international documentation, civil actions, conceptualizations and typifications; 2) Analysis of secondary data from a national survey systematized by FIOCRUZ in 2014 and (3) Reports of participant observation in labor and delivery in the capital and in a rural city of the state of Goiás, as well as an autobiographical narrative situated and focused. The analyzes were based on social theory of constructionist and feminist theories, with emphasis on the contributions of intersectionality. With this body of knowledge, it was possible to reflect on how the intrinsic relations between the State, childbirth and the different health care - public and private - coordinate the discipline on the expropriated body of women, according to their social markers of color, class, race/ethnicity and genre. Thus, there are important indications that the processes of scientific usurpation operated by the current obstetrical science on the old traditional midwife, the policies of the state against the performance of midwives in the communities, the inequality between the violence of women according to women and assertions, the imperative of obstetrics without scientific evidence, and the deception of the political programs of "humanization", are all at the service of the control of this State engaged in maintaining sexual punishment of women.application/pdfAcesso AbertoViolência obstétricaPartoPunição sexualSaúde sexual e reprodutivaGêneroChildbirthSexual punishmentSexual and reproductive healthGenderObstetric violenceCIENCIAS HUMANAS::SOCIOLOGIAPisando em óvulos: a violência obstétrica como uma punição sexual às mulheresStepping into ova: obstetric violence as a sexual punishment of womenTese