2018-05-302018-05-02FERRO, Raphaela. Qualidade e interesse público no jornalismo regional. 2018. 174 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Comunicação) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2018.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/8532Based on the intention to understand how regional journalism is configured in its printed and online interface regarding news quality and the public interest, this research establishes a semiodiscursive analysis of the newspaper O Popular, considering its physical and digital versions. The study starts from the perspective that journalism is related to ideas of truth, public interest and citizenship and is justified by the limited bibliography on regional journalism and an urgent need to understand the practices adopted by the newspapers at the transitory moment in which it lives. A moment that Charron and Bonville (2016) consider a paradigmatic transition from information journalism to communication one. After the popularization of the Internet, there is a definition lack of journalism place. In addition, there is no knowledge about how to finance journalistic practices. It is believed, according to Charaudeau (2015), that the media maintains a space of citizenship essential for democracy. Thus, it is investigated how this commitment to offer quality information remains active in the face of the challenges with which newspapers live in the network society. To do so, the research was developed between 2016 and 2018, with three specific periods of data collection: August 21 to 24, October 25 to 31 and November 6 to 12, all in 2017. In the analysis, it is possible to perceive that the practices adopted for the printed version of the journal have more traditional characteristics and are directly related to the legitimating discourse of journalism, while the practices adopted for the online version show less commitment with ideas of public interest and citizenship, presenting subjects in a hurried and incomplete way, which reduces the reliability and credibility of the media, as well as diminishing the true effect of the journalism practiced. We can see the distance between the two points of the interface analyzed, with the predisposition of the digital newspaper to "sensationalism" and the nonthematic focus on the "exercise of power" in the printed version. It attends to the public interest in subjects, but not in deepening and contextualization, which occurs to the detriment of the quality of the newspaper and impedes the access of the reader to information that helps in the process of construction of reality and in the capacity to self-govern socially and politically.application/pdfAcesso AbertoJornalismo impressoJornalismo on-lineJornalismo regionalInteresse públicoQualidade de notíciasPrint journalismOn-line journalismLocal journalismPublic interestNews qualityCIENCIAS SOCIAIS APLICADAS::COMUNICACAOQualidade e interesse público no jornalismo regionalQuality and public interest in local journalismDissertação