2014-09-262013-09-27VIEIRA, Joelson Pontes. Bandas de música militares: performance e cultura na cidade de Goiás. 2013. 392 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Musica) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/3188The present thesis discusses the history of the military wind bands from the City of Goiás during the nineteenth and early twentieth century (1822-1937) and its relationship with the local society. After the analysis of the current literature about the history of Goiás, as well as the official documents regarding military wind bands, the present study make use as its analytical bases the bakhtinian dialogism ant its main characteristics, focused on three points: carnivalization, polyphony and intertextuality. Seeking to contribute for the construction of the cultural and social memory of the former capital of the State of Goiás, the present study, in the fields of musicology and cultural history, allows the recreation of one of the possible narratives about the origins, activities and relationships established by the military wind bands with other musical ensembles and with the local society. These origins, activities and relationships are analyzed based on an interdisciplinary approach, following the principles given by the bakhtinian triadic categorization.application/pdfAcesso AbertoSociedade goianaBandas de músicaCultura goianaDialogismoCulture and society of GoiásWind bandDialogismARTES::MUSICABandas de música militares: performance e cultura na cidade de GoiásMilitary Wind bands: performance and culture at City of Goias (1822-1937)Dissertação