2014-10-162013-12-12OLIVEIRA, Hélvio Frank de. Esculpindo a profissão professor: experiências, emoções e cognições na construção das identidades docentes de licenciados em letras. 2013. 301 f. Tese (Tese em Letras e Linguística) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2013.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/3345This study focuses on the construction of professional identities in pre-service language teacher education. The main objective of this research is to understand how the participants perceive themselves and the possibilities they have for the future with regard to the senses they give to teacher education and language teaching profession, since they are pre-service teachers. For this, we intended to identify and analyze emotions and cognitions related to becoming or not Portuguese and/or English language teachers, from the participants’ experiences reported in narratives. By having adopted a qualitative approach to collect and to analyze the data, this case study was conducted in a group of sixteen students who were majoring in English and Portuguese at a public university in the state of Goiás. The data were obtained through the school year of 2012 by means of questionnaires, life histories, collaborative discussion sessions, stimulated recall on audio recording, virtual journals, explanations of visual narratives and semi-structured interviews and were analyzed in the light of studies on the socio-historical-cultural theory and its theoretical developments and on Critical Applied Linguistics. The results suggest that teacher professional identities are complex phenomena, characterized by language and dynamic movements of construction, reconstruction and deconstruction of ways of being or not being a teacher, interrelated to the experiences narrated by the participants. Furthermore, we found that, within the unstable and contradictory processes of construction of professional identities, cognitions and emotions of participants, based on personal and social experiences of individuals with pre-service teacher education and language teaching professional, operate as significant elements for their identification or lack of identification with that profession. In this context, a number of factors nurture social and discursive positioning of the participants’ professional identities, which are not consistent for several reasons, including, for example, uncertainty about teaching profession due to financial dissatisfaction and current devaluation of teaching, as well as the lack of conditions for admission to other higher education courses.application/pdfAcesso AbertoFormação inicial docenteIdentidades profissionaisCogniçõesEmoçõesNarrativasPre-service teacher educationProfessional identitiesCognitionsEmotionsNarrativesLINGUISTICA, LETRAS E ARTES::LETRASEsculpindo a profissão professor: experiências, emoções e cognições na construção das identidades docentes de licenciados em letrasBecoming a professional teacher: experiences, emotions and cognitions in the development of teacher identities in a group of students majoring in languagesTese