2019-05-082019-03-27MAGALHÃES, V. H. O. Fluxos de submissão e subversão de um professor de inglês em sua prática docente crítica com um livro didático. 2019. 151 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Letras e Linguística) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2019.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/9580In this study I investigate the variations of treatment of a coursebook in the teaching practice of a teacher of English as an additional language, focusing on the movements of submission and subversion between the teacher and the material. The research was a case study carried out with a participant teacher and his group of intermediate English, in a language school in Goiânia-GO. The data generation started in August and finished in December of 2017. Among the objectives of the study is the discussion of the perspectives of criticality and views on the coursebook which permeate the teaching practice of the participant teacher, the examination of their fulfillment in the classroom and the reflection about how other teachers can work critically with the coursebook. To reach this goal the following research tools were administered: the teacher’s initial questionnaire and personal narrative, the video recording of four classes and the final semi- structured interview with the teacher. The data in this research reveal that the participant teacher acted more frequently in a subversive way than in a submissive way in regard to the coursebook, prioritizing activities of a problematizing character about subjects closer to the students’ realities as well as his own. From these observations we can gather that a critical pedagogical practice touches first the constitution of the subject-teacher in relation to the subjects-students, extrapolating theoretical or methodological fixities. Therefore, the use or no use of the coursebook cannot be prescribed, and it is up to the teacher to reflect about his/her ethical responsibility when teaching, using or not the material, especially if it is done from a critical perspective.application/pdfAcesso AbertoEnsino críticoLivro didáticoEnsino de língua adicionalPrática docenteCritical teachingCoursebookAdditional language teachingTeaching practiceLINGUISTICA, LETRAS E ARTES::LINGUISTICAFluxos de submissão e subversão de um professor de inglês em sua prática docente crítica com um livro didáticoAn english teacher’s flows of submission and subversion with A coursebook in his critical teaching practiceDissertação