2018-08-092017-09-05LUZ, Luciene Correia Santos de Oliveira. Os tempos sociais e a docência na educação básica em Goiás: A proeminência dos tempos de trabalho. 2017. 189 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Sociologia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2017.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/8776Various forms of precariousness and intensification of work have been identified in recent educational researches on teaching work in Brazilian Basic Education. An overload of work and accelerated rhythms are experienced by teachers, as well as physical and mental fatigue and illness, salary devaluation, demand for results and expansion of responsibilities. Faced with such questions, this study comes from a Master's Degree in Sociology research that aimed to investigate teaching in Public Basic Education in Goiás, addressing the school and out-of-school work and the relationships between working time and free time. Among his main theoretical references are the contributions of Alvarenga, Codo, Costa, Dal Rosso, Dumazedier, Gorz, Harvey, Librane, Marx, Moraes Neto, Oliveira, Padilha, Paro, Pérez Gómez, Pronovost, Sagrillo and Sue, among others, which provided reflections on work, social times, working time, intensification of work, immaterial work, school education and the working time of teachers in Basic Education. Guided by a qualitative methodology, the interviews constituted the main data collection technique, being carried out with teachers who had at least 10 years of experience in the classroom in the academic year of 2016 and who have already acted in Teaching Fundamental (1st to 5th year) in public regular schools in the State of Goiás, specifically in the municipalities of Cachoeira Dourada, Itumbiara and Goiânia.l The data obtained provided a discussion about their conceptions about teaching, the attributions of this profession and the product of the work, in addition to the activities carried out during school and out-of-school time, reaching non-work time (at weekends, holidays and after working hours). It was concluded how much the free time of these teachers has been dedicated to the work. Rest, personal care and health, leisure and continuing education have been increasingly suppressed. As part of this scenario, a picture of illness and physical and mental suffering was also identified in the statements of the interviewed teachers. The intensified teaching work has generated the needs of reorganization and/or reduction of free time, explaining hierarchical relations of work in relation to other social times.application/pdfAcesso AbertoTrabalho docenteIntensificação do trabalhoTrabalho ExtraclasseTempo livreTeaching workIntensification of workExtraclass workFfree timeCIENCIAS HUMANAS::SOCIOLOGIAOs tempos sociais e a docência na educação básica em Goiás: A proeminência dos tempos de trabalhoSocial times and teaching in basic education in Goiás: the prominence of working timesDissertação