2016-04-062015-10-20OLIVEIRA, C. G. N. Semelhança e figuração em linguagens da arte de Nelson Goodman. 2015. 59 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Filosofia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2015.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/5458On this work I will analyze part of Nelson Goodman's aesthetic theory and his refutation of usual theory pictorial representation, or depiction, that are grounded on resemblance relationship between symbols and its objects. In his theory Goodman argues that resemblance taken as necessary and sufficient criterion to pictorial naturalism or realism is doomed. We must adopt the very notion of pictorial representation as a kind of denotation, part of semantic theories of reference and that works approximately as verbal descriptions for objects. I will argue that resemblance is no necessary and nor sufficient condition to guarantee a pictorial representation. The structure of this thesis will use these three main points: (a) Goodman's criticism for resemblance relationship as necessary and sufficient to pictorial realism or naturalism; (b) the criticism to naïve depiction theories and its relational uses of (a); and (c) I will analyze an idea of learning and symbolic construction for the resolution of (a) and (b).application/pdfAcesso AbertoNelson GoodmanLinguagens da arteTeoria da figuraçãoSemelhançaRealismos figurativosLanguages of artDepiction theoryResemblancePictorial realismsCIENCIAS HUMANAS::FILOSOFIASemelhança e figuração em linguagens da arte de Nelson GoodmanResemblance and depiction in Nelson Goodman's languages of artDissertação