2016-09-162016-08-09PESSOA, Victor. Videogames e comunicação: dinâmicas de comunicação no Dota 2. 2016. 149 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Comunicação) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2016.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/6218This research places itself as a study of video game media, through the game Dota 2, working on the rapprochement between game studies and communication studies. This work starts from the ideia that the study of media consolidates itself in the study of the transformations, new speed and deployment that the media imply to the life of the individuals, stipulating new ways of interaction and communication. Here we aim to explore which characteristics of video game media contributes and assists on the construction of communication dynamics through the community of the game. The work is divided in three moments, on the first we gather some concepts and ideas already discussed about communication, media, video games and communities; next we go to the description of the object of analysis, the game Dota 2, dissecting it in order to expose all its workable resources and characteristics; lastly, we go to the analysis of those elements utilizing the biases, concepts and methods gathered, with the intention that the discussion provides information about the paths and actions that the media has that stipulates the such dynamics.application/pdfAcesso AbertoVideogameComunicaçãoComunidadeMídiaVideogameCommunicationCommunityMediaCIENCIAS SOCIAIS APLICADAS::COMUNICACAOVideogames e comunicação: dinâmicas de comunicação no Dota 2Videogames and communication: communication dynamics on Dota 2Dissertação