2015-12-042015-08-22MACHADO, Jarbas de Paula. Carreira do magistério em municípios de Goiás e o potencial de financiamento educacional local. 2015. 371 f. Tese (Doutorado em Educação) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2015.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/5005This thesis is part of the Research Line State, Politics and History of the Graduate Program in Education at the Education Faculty of Education of the Federal University of Goiás. The aim of the study was to analyze and understand the career policy for public school teachers in Brazil, especially in the production stages of the normative texts of federal and local levels, from the constituent elements of that career and his relationship with the potential for educational financing from 15 municipalities in the state of Goiás. With the methodological theoretical framework Stephen J. Ball policy cycle and its relationship to the modus operandi of research in Pierre Bourdieu, we analyzed the contexts of influence and production of normative texts of politics. In addition to the survey and the analysis of documents adopted as complementary procedures to collect data through specific forms sent to the municipal education departments and surveys and observations, in locus, carried out in three municipalities of the sample. The policy for the teaching career in Brazil is being built, more punctually from the second half of the 1990s, under the influence ofneoliberal ideas for education. At the federal scenario was observed in the guidance on the preparation of teaching career plans, set out in documents produced by the MEC, the presence of the ideas disseminated by the World Bank for developing countries. In contrast, the definition of federal regulation is the product of institutional disputes where the interests of key actors such as the MEC, the Undime, the CONSED and the CNTE, are not always consensual. In the municipal setting federal regulation is not accepted in its entirety. Federal, marked by general guidelines, without objectivity almost always go through an individual interpretation of each municipality. In the 2000s, the adoption of new regulatory frameworks at the federal scenario, characterized by constituent elements more objective teaching career bring new perspectives to the teaching professionals. The most important landmark of this new stage of building policy for the teaching career in Brazil was the approval of PSPN Act. However, plans for career developed from the approval of Fundeb Act, the PSPN Act and the Resolution CNE / CEB Nº 02/2009 had "side effects" such as reducing the spread of careers, the extinction of additional ownership and the emergence of bonuses / performance bonuses and productivity. The initial hypothesis of the study was that, considering the different policy contexts for building the career of basic education public school teachers in Brazil, municipalities with the highest potential of educational funding would have better represented teaching career proposals, in particular in the structure the salary scales and other compensation mechanisms. Contrary is hypothesis, the study shows, based on the analysis of the career structure and the way the constituent elements of teaching career are organized, the potential for local educational funding does not influence the definition of proposals more or less advantageous for professionals the magisteriumapplication/pdfAcesso AbertoFinanciamento da educaçãoPotencial de financiamento educacional localEstatutos e planos de carreira do magistérioFinancing of educationPotential for local educational fundingStatute and teaching career plansCIENCIAS HUMANAS::EDUCACAOCarreira do magistério em municípios de Goiás e o potencial de financiamento educacional localTeaching career in municipalities of Goiás and the potential for local educational fundingTese