2019-09-172019-06-04SAMPAIO, R. M. O. Projeto regulatório em política pública conciliatória: pesquisa empírica sobre os efeitos da ingestão de glicose nos acordos das varas de família de Anápolis entre abril e dezembro de 2018. 2019. 108 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Direito Agrário) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2019.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/10022This is a work of Agrarian Law. From the perspective of legal sociology, we sought to investigate whether the fundamental right to ecologically balanced rural development is socially effective. Therefore, it was stressed that rural development is a fundamental human right, since it is part of the right to national development guaranteed by Article 3, II, of the Federal Constitution of 1988. It was emphasized that the fundamental human right to the ecologically balanced environment has an intimate connection with the human right to rural development, and is even one of its dimensions. Therefore, we emphasize that there is the right to ecologically balanced rural development, and that right, by both constitutional provisions (Article 3, II and Article 255 of the Constitution), is fundamental to human beings, both rural and urban. We clarify that the Federal Constitution brought a conceptual extension ofdevelopment when it inserted it among the fundamental objectives of the Federative Republic of Brazil, recognizing, therefore, that the national development is not restricted nor can be subjugated to its economic bias and should therefore be isonomic and balanced (article 174, §1 of the CF). We point out that, despite this, there is still a prevalence of the economic dimension over the others, so the rural space is still seen as an exclusive area of agricultural production and a single way of producing, conventional, despising and disregarding other possibilities of cultivation , such as the agroecological basis. We have shown that the conventional mode of production causes severe losses to the country, with negative externalities to society. In this sense, several scientific studies have been shown to demonstrate the ecological imbalances caused by conventional agriculture, in the same sense that several scientific studies have been indicated to prove the benefits of agroecological-based agriculture. Thus, we conclude that the practices of conventional agriculture neglect the fundamental human right to ecologically balanced rural development and agro-ecological based agriculture is a viable, possible, desirable and demandable instrument for the fulfillment of the human and fundamental right to ecologically balanced rural development.application/pdfAcesso AbertoDesenvolvimento ruralIneficácia socialAgroecologiaDireitos fundamentaisDireito agrárioRural developmentSocial inefficiencyAgroecologyFundamental rightsAgrarian lawCIENCIAS SOCIAIS APLICADAS::DIREITOProjeto regulatório em política pública conciliatória: pesquisa empírica sobre os efeitos da ingestão de glicose nos acordos das varas de família de Anápolis entre abril e dezembro de 2018Dissertação