2023-06-122023-06-122023-03-30LEAO, J. B. I. A (in)efetividade da reforma agrária por meio judicial: estudo a partir das ações de desapropriação do noroeste goiano. 2023. 161 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Direito Agrário) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2023.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/12892The action of expropriation for agrarian reform purposes is regulated in the Federal Constitution of 1988, as well as in infra-constitutional laws, such as the Land Statute (Law n. 4.504/64), Law n. 8.629/93 and Complementary Law n. 76/93, the latter regulating its procedure in the judicial sphere. However, the model of judicial expropriation for agrarian reform along the lines established in the aforementioned laws did not manage to structurally change the framework of land concentration in Brazil, as it is a very bureaucratic, time-consuming and costly procedure for the treasury, with the Constituent Assembly 1988 missed the chance to simplify this model, reducing costs and procedures. This research is based on discussing and analyzing the reasons for this procedure, both through discussions before and after the 1988 Constitution and what role the Judiciary plays in resolving these conflicts, also analyzing the existing dichotomy between the right to property and its function Social. In order to carry out this study, a research method with a mixed focus (quantitative and qualitative) and documental focus was used on the administrative and judicial processes of INCRA that gave rise to the aforementioned expropriation actions, in order to prove the general objectives of the research, in the sense of understanding why judicial expropriation actions in the proposed model take so long and if this model ever proved to be effective. In order to respond to the object and problem of the research, the expropriation processes filed by INCRA (National Institute of Colonization and Agrarian Reform) in the Northwest region of Goiás (Rio Vermelho region), which comprises the cities of Goiás and Faina, encompassing the entirety of of 12 (twelve) lawsuits filed by the aforementioned federal autarchy, in progress or that were in progress at the Federal Court of the Judiciary Section of Goiás, in order, based on their analysis, to try to understand whether the agrarian reform program, through the action of expropriation , is being duly complied with and having an effect or, if not, what are the phenomena that contribute to this judicial institute not being effective, calling into question whether there was even interest in agrarian reform by the 1988 Constituent to insert it in the constitutional text the need for a judicial process of expropriation for this purpose, where it is concluded that this model is outdated and needs isa be immediately rethought.Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalConstituição FederalDesapropriaçãoPoder JudiciárioPropriedade privadaReforma agráriaFederal ConstitutionExpropriationJudicial powerPrivate proprietyLand reformCIENCIAS SOCIAIS APLICADAS::DIREITO::TEORIA DO DIREITOA (in)efetividade da reforma agrária por meio judicial: estudo a partir das ações de desapropriação do noroeste goianoThe (in)effectiveness of the land reform by judicial means: a study based on the exappropriation actions in northwest goianoDissertação