2018-09-142018-06-29FERREIRA, J. R. Análise numérica da cravação estática de estacas metálicas tubulares de ponta aberta. 2018. 91 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia Civil) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2018.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/8877The use of steel pipe piles as a foundation element brings a new focus to the contributions of soil plug to the behavior of open-ended pipe piles. Therefore, considering the necessity to understand the plug formation, its influence on pipe pile load capacity and the limited of research developed in real scale models, this work aims to numerically simulate the process jacking open ended steel pipe piles in sands, seeking to investigate the soil properties and piles geometry interference on the jacking process. For the development of these simulations an explicit finite difference program, FLAC (Fast Lagrangian Analysis of Continua), was used. The methodology developed started with the finite difference mesh, jacking velocity and interface parameters (normal and shear modulus) calibration. This process was validated with calibration chamber tests results developed in other researches. Henceforth, parametric analysis involving the pipe geometry – internal diameter, wall thickness and tip angle – and the soil mechanical parameters – friction angle, density and elastic modulus – were conducted. As result, among all the factors analyzed, soil density and pile tip angle do not interfere in soil plug formation. Furthermore, the program selected for the simulations was able to model plugging, exhibiting similar behavior to calibration chamber tests results.application/pdfAcesso AbertoAnálise numéricaMétodo das diferenças finitasEfeitos do tamponamentoEstacas metálicas tubulares de ponta abertaAnálise paramétricaNumerical analysisFinite difference methodPlugging effectOpen ended pipe pilesParametric analysisENGENHARIA CIVIL::GEOTECNICAAnálise numérica da cravação estática de estacas metálicas tubulares de ponta abertaNumerical analysis of jacking open-ended steel pipe pilesDissertação