2017-04-032017-03-03BERNARDES, P. G. G. A relação da mídia e da cidadania na formação da opinião pública em cenários políticos: a construção da imagem pública de Marconi Perillo. 2017. 278 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Comunicação) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2017.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/7063This paper presents a literature that serves as a reference input for the analysis of formation of public opinion inter-related with the media, politics and citizenship. Although it is explored in its multiple vertices and understanding, public opinion will be scrutinized within its proposed construction in the media perspective, specifically in the political sphere of citizenship. Forward if uses a case study to demonstrate the relationship between the fundamental concepts, excelling a practical integration of these fundamentals applied to a particular case, in order to lead new thinking with social reality. It is the study of construction of the public image of Marconi Perillo, Governor of Goiás, performed by two large circulation print media in the state. The idea is to compare the elaborative form Marconi image projection performed in the ordinary exercise of civil service (2015) and during the political election that starred in 2014, and supported by mainstream media for elections, in particular the observed newspapers. To complement the results of this stage, it was move to a study with journalistic samples from 2016, another year of (municipal) elections that, despite not having Marconi as a candidate, receives it in a very similar way in the discourse of media and construction Of his still image in front of a new scenario and a new role played by him. The idea is to point out how much Marconi Perillo interacts with the media in a chameleonic manner and how he positions himself as a polite leadership in Goiás, albeit under different circumstances and characteristics. By associating the construction of Marconi's public image within these media in the three distinct political moments, the intention is to situate the main contours of the political relationship with journalism to critically discuss the extent to which this influences the formation of public opinion by journalism printed in Goiás. Finally, the complexity of the study will be considered in the light of the constitution of citizenship, including the policy and the right to information are fundamental for the integrity of the citizen.application/pdfAcesso AbertoOpinião públicaJornalismo impressoImagem políticaCidadaniaPublic opinionPrint journalismPolitical imageCitizenshipCIENCIAS SOCIAIS APLICADAS::COMUNICACAOA relação da mídia e da cidadania na formação da opinião pública em cenários políticos: a construção da imagem pública de Marconi PerilloThe relationship of media and citizenship in the formation of public opinion in political scenarios: the construction of the public image of Marconi PerilloDissertação