2014-11-242013-12-19ALMEIDA, Carlos Henrique Lopes de. A vocação literária no pensamento historiográfico de Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo y Valdés. 2013. 158 f. Tese (Doutorado em Letras e Linguística) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2013.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/3677The present work aims to study two books from the Spanish chronicler Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo y Valdés, Historia general y natural de las Índias and Sumario de la natural historia de las Índias. These are the issues published in few months with 81 chapters approximately, without been pretentious due to the absence of notes and records of the observations made in the New World at the moment of such production. Those ones have around 1800 pages distributed in 50 books with more time for elaboration and frequent returns to the text. So, it will be designed an analysis that traces the influences of the literarily aspect in the historiographical thoughts present in both books, considering the presence of some imagistical reflexes from the heritage and traces from the Middle age‘s tradition are been announced o n Oviedo‘s chronistical construction. The scenario description of the discovered lands, the encounter between the Old World referential and the New worlds‘ space, the transliterization of the structures responsible to the approximation and incorporation of the new discovers are thematic elements present in the Oviedo‘s chronistical production brought to this research to a treatment of this issue while trope present in medieval art and literature. Still inside this proposal, this work shall analyse the resources present in the writings of Gonzalo Fernandez Oviedo y Valdés which he uses in the descriptivist reports sometimes characterizing realistically the encounter with nature and natives, and at other times exercising a exquisite touch of literary reflexes. Influenced by the authorities and structures so precious to the middle-aged tradition and responsible for confluence zones that reinforce the porosity of historiography and fiction, Oviedo brings elements of medieval the speech to develop the record of the reports present at the chronics what has its own value and originality if compared to other chroniclers of his time. In this sense, this research proposes to analyze and search medieval marks present in the historiographical scenario, the author‘s literary vocation in his historiographical thoughts which entitles this thesis. What is intended is that may give more meaning to the text itself and with this dynamic, to dialog with factors related to the meddle-aged ideal images, the colonization context present in Spaniard America, the literary ruses and the rhetorical resources used by the author. For that matter, it was developed bibliographical studies of the work and theme in authors such as, Weckmann, Pupo-Walker, Prampolini, Castor, Cuello de la Rosa and Irving among others, in the searching to understand how the literary marks occur in the New worlds‘ historiographical from Oviedo‘s and some of the medieval images present in the reports of discovering and colonization of Spaniard America. The result of this work is to show traces of the influence of medieval mentality in the formation of the literary vocation chronicler of Madrid in their travelogues. Strictly speaking, we try to provide, through the textual organization of this thesis, a contribution to the critical fortunes of Oviedo and the research line Literature, History and Imaginary.application/pdfAcesso AbertoCronísticaGonzalo Fernández de Oviedo y ValdésHistoriografia novomundistaNovo MundoRelatos do descobrimentoChronisticNew world‘s historiographyNew worldDiscovering reportsLETRAS::LITERATURA COMPARADAA vocação literária no pensamento historiográfico de Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo y ValdésLa vocación literaria en el pensamiento historiográfico de Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo y ValdésTese