2016-08-102012-03-08LOPES, D. B. Prevalência de alterações cognitivas e funcionais em idosos da comunidade quilombola kalunga. 2012. 79 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Medicina Tropical e Saúde Publica) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2012.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/5891This study was to estimate the prevalence of cognitive and functional elderly residents of the isolated community, remaining Quilombo, located in the northeastern state of Goias, called Kalunga. Cross-sectional study with noninvasive methods, based on primary data of cognitive and functional elderly aged above 60 years of quilombo Kalunga, the northeastern state of Goiás were collected and analyzed data to identify (age, sex), socio-demographic factors (education, place), cultural and previous morbidities (hypertension, diabetes) participants through semi-structured questionnaire. Data on cognitive and functional assessment were obtained by applying the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) and the Questionnaire of Daily Living (QAVD), respectively. A total of 65 elderly patients were evaluated. . Most were male (52.3%), married (58.5%), illiterate (93.8%) and mean age of 71.58 years, ranging between 60 and 93 years. The prevalence of individuals with cognitive and functional change was 9.2% (n = 6), and the functional change (18.5%) was more prevalent than cognitive (12.3%). The prevalence rate of cognitive and functional changes detected in this study was low compared to other studies conducted in Brazil, but were similar to studies in other populations.application/pdfAcesso AbertoIdosoNegroAlteração cognitivaDemênciaKalungaElderlyBlackCognitive impairmentDementiaCIENCIAS DA SAUDE::MEDICINAPrevalência de alterações cognitivas e funcionais em idosos da comunidade quilombola kalungaPrevalence of cognitive and functional impairment of elderly slave’s descendent of a community called KalungaDissertação