2016-08-012016-04-06ARAÚJO, C. R. M. Macroecologia, MEM, macroinvertebrados, hipótese água-energia, teoria neutra. 2016. 42 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ecologia e Evolução) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2016.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/5772The biodiversity have a heterogeneous distribution along the globe. Available area, energy, evolutional and historical processes, spatial and/or temporal heterogeneity are some of the processes raised to explain those variation on species richness. On this study we tested the following hypothesis, or the combination between them to explain the richness of stream’s aquatic insects. The hypotheses were: (i) Energy, (ii) Water-energy, (iii) Temporal climatic heterogeneity, (iv) Terrestrial primary productivity and (v) Area. We used genus richness of aquatic insects from all South America, this data was retrieved from papers published on periodic with editorial board. We used Ordinary Least square models, and then choose the best model using the Akaike Information Criterion. Our results support the idea that models with multiples hypothesis are more effective when compared to single hypothesis models. The best multi-model utilized the hypotheses Water-Energy, Primary Productivity and Temporal Climatic Heterogeneity. Our models were impaired by the lack of comprehensiveness data, however we could conclude that the Water-Energy was the most robust hypothesis to explain the richness distribution of stream’s aquatic insects.image/jpegapplication/pdfAcesso AbertoMacroecologiaMEMMacroinvertebradosHipótese água-energiaTeoria neutraMacroecologyMacroinvertebratesWater energy hypothesisNeutral theoryCIENCIAS BIOLOGICAS::ECOLOGIAMacroecologia, MEM, macroinvertebrados, hipótese água-energia, teoria neutraMacroecology, MEM, macroinvertebrates, water energy hypothesis, neutral theoryDissertação