2014-12-042012-06-22DALLAGO, Saulo Germano Sales. Performance e fotografia: um estudo sobre memória, signo e escritura na obra em busca do tempo perdido, de Marcel Proust. 2012. 205 f. Tese (Doutorado em História ) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2012.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/3737This work seeks to insert itself into the field of interart studies, searching the reference book “In Search of Lost Time”, the French novelist Marcel Proust, the presence of elements that denote a literary text to the underlying performance, establishing performance this intimate connection using the photographic element, through its catalytic power of memories, revealing details, and inspiring artistic procedures. From proustian passages selected from the text, the attempt is to demonstrate the trajectory of the concomitant appearance of photographic art and the literary narrative, the reception of photography, different views on the photographic document, a semiotics of photography and finally the relationship between photography and memory. Subsequently, we relate the photograph and its memoir side with the studies on performance, seeking a conception of artistic procedures listed on this nomenclature, besides those who go beyond the purely aesthetic, seeking the particularities of the protograph and a probably performativity possible arising of contact and using the same. In the empirical chapters of the work, we will start making a brief analysis of the life and word of French writer, where photography has played a prominent role, selecting from their work cited passages that corroborate these theories in search of a performativity that connect to the photographic document in the development of artistic signs and manifestations of involuntary memory, powerful memoir feature throughout his narrative. The concept of writing, Jacques Derrida (2009), will base the discussion on a possible author of the performativity involves the use of photographs, which goes for writing, in addition, we also own writing as performance, causing effects that reverberatewithin the artwork itself, taking as the impact of photographic artifact, generating compositional principles that guide the entire operation of composition of the book “In Search of Lost Time.”application/pdfAcesso AbertoPerformanceFotografiaMemóriaLiteraturaHistóriaTeoria InterartesMarcel ProustMemoryLiteratureHistoryTheory InterartCIENCIAS HUMANAS::HISTORIAPerformance e fotografia: um estudo sobre memória, signo e escritura na obra em busca do tempo perdido, de Marcel ProustPerformance and photography: a study of memory, sign and writing in work in search of lost time, Marcel ProustTese