2017-01-172016-07-01BORGES, Lukas Magno. As representações sobre os indígenas nas escolas públicas de Ceres: colonialismo e colonialidade (2010-2015). 2016. 180 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em História) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2016.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/6753This work seeks to analyze the representations formulated about the indigenous peoples in Ceres public schools. The relevance of this issue is supported by Law No. 11.645/08, which impute mandatory teaching of indigenous history in Brazilian public and private schools as well as the national curriculum history parameters. Although they don’t have normative force, it was suggested since the year of 1990 the work about indigenous theme in the classroom. Since then, textbooks as well as curricular proposals have been frequently analyzed about content on indigenous peoples. Little research has been done, in practice, to observe more attentively the representations formulated to these peoples in the classroom by students and teachers, and also the influence that they practice on the subject, the information technology and media representations. Therefore we assume that nowadays the textbook is not the unique source of information on which students have access to the indigenous question. Thus, besides the analysis of the history textbooks, the role and influence of television media in the student knowledge construction process are examined in this work through a field research in the public schools in Ceres. It was used as a primary method the application of questionnaires that seek to identify the representations formulated about the subject.application/pdfAcesso AbertoIndígenasRepresentaçõesMdia televisiva e sala de aulaIndigenousRepresentationsTelevision media and the classroomCIENCIAS HUMANAS::HISTORIAAs representações sobre os indígenas nas escolas públicas de Ceres: colonialismo e colonialidade (2010-2015)The representations on indigenous peoples in Ceres 'public schools: colonialism and coloniality (2010-2015)Dissertação