2024-09-162024-09-162024-02-28SANTOS, J. L. S. Análise de escoamento sobre corpo rígido ancorado por mola torcional utilizando o método pseudoespectral de Fourier. 2024. 112 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia Mecânica) - Escola de Engenharia Elétrica, Mecânica e de Computação, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2024.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/13348The Brazilian energy matrix, historically dependent on hydroelectric plants, has been diversifying with increasing investment in alternative sources, such as wind energy. In this context, the present work aims to contribute to the study and analysis of flows over rigid bodies, with the objective of applying the Fourier Pseudospectral Method (FPM) coupled with the Immersed Boundary Method (IBM) to fluid-structure interaction problems. The first part of this work is based on the study of the applied methodologies, with FPM applied to the fluid model and the immersed boundary to represent the interaction between the structural and fluid domains. The mathematical model of the structure's movement is also addressed, including the nondimensionalization of the equation that models the rotational movement. Initially, the implementation of the one-dimensional code using FPM was carried out, with the use of the classic Runge-Kutta method and Euler method for temporal advancement, and later, comparisons with and without the immersed boundary methodology were analyzed. Verifications were also proposed in the already developed code, IMERSPEC2D, with the Taylor-Green problem, with and without the immersed boundary, in which it was found that the accuracy of the method even with the immersed boundary is not compromised in the region close to the body. Simulations for verification were investigated for problems involving a stationary rectangular cylinder, with different parameters that interfere with the dynamics of the flow, namely: Reynolds number, distance between plates, and thickness of the cylinder for the duct with a bump problem, and the aspect ratio and Reynolds number for the rectangular cylinder. In all these cases, the flow was treated as if it were strictly two-dimensional, in which the behavior of the wake is analyzed, using the code with the use of the optimized fourth-order Runge-Kutta method both for the temporal advancement of the fluid and for the structure. The expected results were compatible with the literature and with reference articles. In addition, the flow over the rectangular cylinder with one degree of rotational freedom was analyzed, and the obtained results would allow evaluating the precision of the methodology and highlighting some relevant phenomenological aspects related to the dynamic behavior of rigid bodies.Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalDinâmica dos fluidos computacionalMétodo pseudoespectral de FourierMétodo da fronteira imersaInteração fluido-estruturaComputational fluid dynamicsFourier pseudo-spectral methodImmersed boundary methodFluid-structure interactionENGENHARIAS::ENGENHARIA MECANICAAnálise de escoamento sobre corpo rígido ancorado por mola torcional utilizando o método pseudoespectral de FourierFlow analysis over a rigid body supported by a torsional spring using the Fourier pseudo-spectral methodDissertação