2023-05-112023-05-112023-04-03ROCHA, D. J. O (s) nós da desrazão: performances da cultura, memórias ressentidas, trauma e a desconstrução do esquecimento na ditadura civil militar brasileira. 2023. 116 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Performances Culturais) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2023.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/12830This dissertation aims to analyze the overlaps between memory, oblivion, trauma and their connections with dramas performed in Brazilian society. Therefore, it is essential to observe the behaviors of cultural agents and the ways found in their social environment to remember and mobilize affections in their historical environments. Social and artistic performance will be analysed, as a reflective space, aiming to deconstruct the dominant structures, through individual actions that culminate in the collective. To this end, it pays attention to the way in which militancy and art enable an understanding of the memory space of tortured and politically disappeared people in the civil-military dictatorship in Brazil. From this place, priority is given to the protagonism of subjects who reinterpret the history and official discourses conveyed by the power structures of their time. The work was dedicated to showing the importance of the speech performed in the updating of suffering and violence, through the social recognition of this suffering, as a mechanism that fights the process of naturalization and oblivion in society. For that, the memories about the peasant José Porfírio de Souza and the embroidery of Isaura Botelho were analyzed.Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalMemóriaResistênciaPerformanceDitadura militarTraumaMemoryResistanceMilitary dictatorshipCIENCIAS SOCIAIS APLICADASO (s) nós da desrazão: performances da cultura, memórias ressentidas, trauma e a desconstrução do esquecimento na ditadura civil militar brasileiraThe knots of unreason: performances of culture, resentment memories, trauma and the deconstruction of forgetting in the brazilian civil military dictatorshipDissertação