2017-09-042017-08-17SILVA, Ana Clara Araújo Gomes da. Exame do raciocínio científico (ERC): revisão bibliográfica, aplicação no sudoeste goiano e proposta de novo método de análise dos resultados. 2017. 95 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciência da Computação) - Universidade Federal de Goiás,Goiânia, 2017.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/7687The deficiency in some reasoning patterns of students has been measured and revealed by several studies. This deficiency is often reflected in low rates of academic performance, high dropout rates, and negatively influencing students’ interest in computer courses. In recent work, Pessoni [96] has shown that among more than thirty cognitive development assessment methods studied, Lawson’s Classroom Test of Scientific Reasoning (LCTSR) would be a candidate for application in university students according to the criteria defined. The LCTSR was translated and applied in a series of student groups of the undergraduate courses of the Institute of Informatics of the Federal University of Goiás. Starting from the results obtained by Pessoni, the objectives of this research work are: 1. Systematic Review of Literature - RSL; 2. Application of the Scientific Reasoning Examination - ERC in students of Computing in Southwest Goiania; 3. Phylogenetic systematics to evaluate ERC. Analyze the patterns of reasoning of interest groups, then develope and conduct efficient and effective activities that promote the cognitive development of individuals is one of the objectives of the research group. It is believed that this work contributes to a further step in this direction.application/pdfAcesso AbertoNíveis cognitivosTeste de desenvolvimento cognitivoRaciocínio científicoRaciocínio formalCognitive development testScience reasoningCognitive levelsFormal reasoningCIENCIA DA COMPUTACAO::MATEMATICA DA COMPUTACAOExame do raciocínio científico (ERC): revisão bibliográfica, aplicação no sudoeste goiano e proposta de novo método de análise dos resultadosExame do raciocínio científico (ERC): bibliographic review, application in the southwest of Goiás and proposal of a new method of analysis of the resultsDissertação