2022-03-032022-03-032022-02-17FARIAS, R. R. Super-heróis de histórias em quadrinhos: material didático para produção de textos. 2022. 151 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Letras e Linguística) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2022.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/11920The present dissertation thematizes heroicity. Heroes penetrate humanity in several dimensions, whether historical, social, geographic and/or cultural, and manage, through honorable actions, the didactic promotion of values, principles for harmonious coexistence (CARLYLE, 1956, and ECO, 2008) . Therefore, we thematize how comic book superheroes can build a path to understand Bakhtin's theory (1997, 2006, 2010, 2013) in Brazilian teaching and also how this can be useful for the dissemination of the Pedagogy of Multiliteracies, proposed by Rojo (2012, 2016) and BNCC (2017). In this way, our objective is to evaluate how superheroes manage to fill human existence with meaning (MOSÉ, 2018), taking into account the myths (HARARI, 2019) that they structure throughout their literary journey (CAMPBELL, 1990, VOGLER, 1998, IRWIN, 2009), also the mentality of man. For this, we have as a general research objective to analyze the discursive constitution of the hero to the superhero in the comic book genre, in correlation with the possible impacts on the reader. Our specific objectives are situated on the philosophical and literary dimensions that conceptualize the superhero, in addition to the absorptions of characteristics of digital modes of manifestation, as well as the discussion on Multiliteracies in official education documents in conjunction with Human Rights. The first and most fundamental step of our project is the proposition of a textual production activity for the students of the first year of High School, which represents the perspectives of super-heroicity, the Bakhtinian teaching dimensions and the Pedagogy of Multiliteracies, based on of a didactic-methodological teaching proposal. Our proposal aims to involve students in the creation of comics in virtual environments, thematically discussing social interventions to the ills of the Brazilian nation. Methodologically, we use, at first, the bibliographic perception, and subsequently a qualitative analysis of the surveys, according to Assis (2009), under the aegis of theoretical contributions also from researchers such as Silva (2013), Weschenfelder et al (2015), Paiva (2016), Shimazaki et al (2018), Lisbon and Oliveira (2020), Andraus (2013) and Xavier (2017). In our basement, the superhero, existing from the support that the language gives him, beckons to the Human Language and contributes, together with the maintenance of his speeches (FOUCAULT, 2000, 2008, 2009), to the dialogic bias that explains Bakhtin (1997, 2006, 2010, 2013). In sequence, our approach also extends to the pedagogical dimension of the official documents of National Education, to the PCN (1998), to the PCN+ (2002) and to the BNCC (2017), all placing efforts regarding the use of the comic strip genre in the classroom. class and as for the studies directed to ENEM. At the end, we present a didactic material that supports our propositions through seven (7) strategic classes that seek to raise the linguistic-dialogical points that we discussed throughout the dissertation.Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalSuper-heróiBakhtinMultiletramentosDialogismoHQSuper heroBakhtinMultiletteringDialogismHero in comicsLINGUISTICA, LETRAS E ARTESSuper-heróis de histórias em quadrinhos: material didático para produção de textosComics superheroes: didactic material for text productionDissertação