2017-12-062017-09-29TAVARES, E. L. O. Leitura literária na escola: o conto como provocação. 2017. 141 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ensino na Educação Básica) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2017.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/8010The following research Project “Literary Reading at school: the tale functioning like a challenge was motivated by anxiety to see the resistance of students to the literary reading practice at Basic Education School. Therefore, its interest is far beyond getting students to enjoy reading literary texts, highlighting the idea that reading practice is an experience, which allows us to a better understanding of the relationship with life, and to improve our perspective as human beings in the world around us. In a frenetically digital age, more and more teenagers come across with technologies that offer wider possibilities of interaction, easier access to information, instant communication and social networks. All these resources ultimately cause a distancing effect from literary genre in the classroom, mainly because the proposed approach in the textbooks are simpler and uninteresting for students. Thus, by offering mostly a textual understanding based on pre-established interpretation schemes, they limit the reception of the reader, since they are not given the opportunity to express themselves the possibilities of interpretation. Based on these premises, the corpus-based analysis was made up of four short stories extracted from Aquela água toda written by João Anzanello Carrascoza (a Brazilian author, from São Paulo). The choice of this author specifically refers to the fact of how he approaches the conflicts, which are common to the readers, as well as relevant aspects in the teenager’s universe such as fears and insecurities, first love, family relationships, the first experiences of discoveries. The writer is able to promote a pleasant interactive reading activity as a motivating element for literary literacy. The qualitative research of the participant type involves the realization of a reading project with pre-teenagers, ages 11-13 in a private school in a noble sector of the city of Goiania, Goias, Brazil. The theoretical foundation presented is based on Bosi’s reflections (2001); Cortázar (1974); Candido (2004);Chartier (1999); Compagnon (2003 and 2009); Todorov (2009); Gotlib (1999); National Curriculum Parameters (PCNs,1999); Piglia (1999); among others. The result of this research emphasizes the stories like provocateurs of the literary reading in the school environment, but also the important role of the mediator in this process.application/pdfAcesso AbertoEnsinoEducação básicaLeituraFundamental IIContoTeachingElementary schoolReadingSecondary schoolTaleCIENCIAS HUMANAS::EDUCACAOLeitura literária na escola: o conto como provocaçãoDissertação