2016-10-272016-08-19ARAÚJO, T. M. de. Os significados culturais de uma professora de EJA e seus alunos de língua inglesa: um olhar etnográfico. 2016. 193 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Letras e Linguística) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2016.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/6445This ethnographic research seeks to identify and understand how English language learners of basic education for youth and adults (EJA) and their accompanying teacher attribute cultural meanings to the English language and its teaching and learning, and to investigate how these cultural meanings interfere in the dynamics of the classroom. In order to give theoretical support to this research, we embased in theories those could lead the reader to reflect on the English in/of the globalized world, ie, the use of english in society and the way it is and should be treated in the teaching –learning process, specifically in the EJA context (BRUTT-GRIFFLER, 2002; MCKAY, 2002; RAJAGOPALAN, 2009; RISAGER, 2006; among others). The next topic we consider important to mention some of the history about the EJA education in Brazil and how was the installation of this program in the state of Goiás and more precisely in the city of Goiânia, as the city in which such research occured. This research is characterized as an ethnographic case study (ANDRÉ; LÜDKE, 1985; REES, 2003; WATSON GEGEO, 2010; among others), in which the researcher includes observation techniques, conducts formal and informal interviews with participants study in real situations, records the lessons in audio and video so that they can analyze the interactions, as well as notes on the researched and reflective diary field to answer the questions of the study. In addition, behaviors and events / actions that occur within the LI classroom, in this study, were observed and recorded, in order to identify the cultural fields, through the analysis of semantic relationships offered by Spradley (1980), and so , unveil the cultural meanings to such attitudes and behavior. These cultural explanations have been built on the emic foundation, common in ethnographic studies. The group investigated is the sixth grade of elementary school of a public school where the adult education program takes place. Based on the analysis, we realized that there are some different cultural understandings of what learning / english language is for the teacher and her students. We realize that there are different expectations about the roles that these participants should take the foreign language classroom while the teacher wishes an independent student, active and safe, the students, in turn, present themselves as exempt from responsibility for this complex learning a foreign language process, as others attribute this responsibility, moreover, understand that these different attitudes and cultural understandings about english language teaching learning process stem from the sociocultural position that each participant has in society. According to these analyzes, we can see that the study leads us to reflect on the importance of developing an awareness of an intercultural approach in the classroom, as well as understanding of the roles of teachers and students.application/pdfAcesso AbertoEnsino e aprendizagem de língua inglesaSignificados culturaisEJAEnglish language teaching and learningCultural meaningsEJAEDUCACAO::TOPICOS ESPECIFICOS DE EDUCACAOOs significados culturais de uma professora de EJA e seus alunos de língua inglesa: um olhar etnográficoThe cultural meanings of an EJA teacher and her english language students: an ethnographic viewDissertação