2022-02-022022-02-022021-10-22ROSA, Lucas Loures. Aspectos luminotécnicos e da qualidade da energia de lâmpadas com tecnologia LED, fluorescente e vapor de mercúrio. 2021. 97 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia Elétrica). Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2021.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/11874The advancement of technology and power electronics has allowed a strong advance in large-scale production of electronic devices, which are incorporated into existing electrical systems, in most cases, so there is a change scenario in the type of interconnected load to the electricity distribution system. However, these devices can cause changes in the behavior of system components, caused by harmonics that can result in various damages to electrical equipment. These devices are attractive to consumers, as they offer the opportunity to consume less electricity, as in the case of lamps with active power less than conventional by more than 50%. The electrical characteristics of these devices must be better known so that the feeder circuits can be correctly dimensioned, as well as strategies to solve possible problems arising from unwanted effects. In this context, this work constitutes an analysis, performing confrontations between data obtained from traditional and more modern (“efficient”) devices, in a lighting system in the industrial sector. Among traditional devices, this research addresses fluorescent and mercury vapor lamps and, in the case of modern lamps, LED. In this sense, case studies are presented, with different types of technologies, which allow obtaining indicators of the power quality, with satisfactory precision and reliability. It is important to point out that the data referring to the experimental part were collected in an industrial environment, with the purpose of providing a qualitative and quantitative analysis, with the best possible fidelity.Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalHarmônicasCargas não linearesLâmpada fluorescenteLâmpada a vapor de mercúrioLâmpada de LEDHarmonicsNon-linear loadsFluorescent lampMercury vapor lampLED lampENGENHARIAS::ENGENHARIA ELETRICA::MATERIAIS ELETRICOSAspectos luminotécnicos e da qualidade da energia de lâmpadas com tecnologia LED, fluorescente e vapor de mercúrioLighting and power quality aspects of lamps with LED, Fluorescent and Mercury Vapor technologyDissertação