2021-08-032021-08-032021-07-05TAVARES, Valéria Alves Correia. A performance da subjetividade lírica na poesia de Edival Lourenço. 2021. 159 f. Tese (Doutorado em Performances Culturais) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2021.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/11524The thesis Performance of lyrical subjectivity in the poetry of Edival Lourenço introduces perspectives and analyses on performance experiences from the point of view of the poetic work of Edival Lourenço, a writer from the state of Goiás. Standing out in both the regional and national literary scene, the author is recognized for his production ranging journalism, prose and poetry. The work Poesia Reunida (2014), corpus of this research, is here analyzed in the scope of textual elements that indicate the underlying performance in the poem and how these elements allow the performance act of the lyrical subject. The investigation also encompassed the author’s poetry in the scope of the lyrical subjectivity expressed in this poems based on an approach focused on reader’s performance. Therefore, the work chosen to be the corpus of this research provided elements that, under analysis, indicate the performance viability of Lourenço’s poetry and how such elements could interfere on reader’s subjective reception. Furthermore, based on a critical approach, it is identified how the performance adopted in Lourenço’s poem possibly guide us through the poet’s perception of awareness, who finds himself pointing to these textual elements and manages to show the reader the manifestation of his language. Our reflections on Lourenço’s poetry and performance talent are grounded on the study of Reception Aesthetics, a branch of Literary Theory that seeks to understand the role and function of the reader as an active participant in the reading process. Such approach highlights the theoretical postulates of Paul Zumthor (1993, 2005, 2010, 2014), Wolfgang Iser (1979, 1999), Hans Robert Jauss (1979, 1994), Umberto Eco (2002, 2015), Richard Bauman (2006, 2009), and Richard Schechner (1985, 2011a, 2011b), among other scholars.Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalPerformance poéticaCorporeidadeEstética da recepçãoSubjetividade líricaEdival LourençoInteração leitor-obraPoetic performanceCorporealityReception aestheticsLyrical subjectivityEdival LourençoReader-book interactionLINGUISTICA, LETRAS E ARTESA performance da subjetividade lírica na poesia de Edival LourençoPerformance of lyrical subjectivity in the poetry of Edival LourençoTese