2019-12-102008-09-30MENDONÇA, Juliana de Pina. Turismo e patrimônio cultural em Pirenópolis: uma análise dos efeitos sobre a vida social. 2008. 200 f. Dissertação (Mestrado Sociologia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2008.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/10230The present work intends to contribute sociologically to the study of the tourism and to the analysis of its effects on the social life. The starting point is to analyse the tourism like a cultural phenomenon that takes place in Pirenópolis-Goiás-Brazil and produces changes in his daily life. So, the cultural inheritance and the environment become targets of political speeches what there proposes a tourism based on the sustainability, this concept that it is vague, not neuter and maneuverable. In this sense new agents are shaped and, through his actions, structure new practices and produce the change both in the material aspect and in the symbolic one, or, on the contrary, they reinforce the traditions, since the pirenopolino has a tendency to react with resistance, creativity or hostility. In this way, conflicts have a tendency to appear of the interpersonal relations between the residents, natives and non-natives, and the tourists, once what intentions, interests, behaviours, social practices, ways of life and divergent values coexist in the same environment serving to demarcate relations of proximity and distance between the groups. So, it will be possible to understand so much the meaning of the tourism for the town in his inner world, since the present inquiry looks to give emphasis to the social and cultural dimension of the phenomenon, analysing the social relations between native/non-native and visiting/visited in the same space and context.application/pdfAcesso AbertoPirenópolisTurismoPatrimônio culturalVida socialMudançaConflitoTourismCultural heritageSocial lifeChangeConflictCIENCIAS HUMANAS::SOCIOLOGIATurismo e patrimônio cultural em Pirenópolis: uma análise dos efeitos sobre a vida socialTourism and cultural heritage in Pirenópolis: an analysis of the effects on social lifeDissertação