2016-09-262016-08-31ABREU, Daniel Albuquerque de. A semântica da família no jogo democrático brasileiro: uma análise da concepção de entidade familiar proposta pelo estatuto da família à luz dos direitos humanos. 2016. 371 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Direitos Humanos) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2016.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/6275This thesis aims to verify, by means of an interdisciplinary approach, if the concept of familial entity suggested by the Family Statute (Brazilian Law Project 6,583/2013) maintains compatibility with the Brazilian democracy and with the constitutional and international principles of Human Rights. In order to accomplish this work, it was necessary to evidence the text of the Law Project and its two Opinions, and also to examine in detail the arguments that have been used by the Federal Representatives when voting on the second Opinion at the Special Commission of the House of Representatives. This study was developed through investigations on the semantic construction of familial entity in Brazil, and through a historical and social about which we elected as significant four marks: 1) the religious actions of the Constituent Representatives in 1987-1988 which, ultimately, contributed to the final wording of the Brazilian Federal Constitution’s article 226; 2) the interpretation of the Brazilian legal order through the neo-constitutionalist lenses; 3) the position of supra-legality that the international treaties of Human Rights occupy in the post-1988 Brazilian legal order, according to the positioning of most of the Brazilian Supreme Court members; and 4) the arguments that have been used by the Brazilian Supreme Court members when voting on the equalization of the homo-affective and hetero-affective unions (ADPF 132-RJ and ADI 4.277-DF), in addition to the Resolution 175/2013 edited by the Brazilian National Council of Justice, which facilitates the conversion of homo-affective unions into marriages. Also, the interdisciplinary trajectory was proven fundamental to the reflections on the plurality of constructive and interpretative possibilities of familial entity identified by the contemporary literature. Moreover, this thesis dealt with the characterization of the Brazilian democracy based on the Brazilian Constitution of 1988 as its normative mark, and also on conceptions of democracy by both Norberto Bobbio’s procedural democracy (the rules of the democratic game) and Luís Roberto Barroso’s substantive democracy as theory guidelines for the work. Furthermore, the constitutional and international principiology of Human Rights received a special focus on this thesis, since, in addition to their supra-legal status, they are also essential instruments to the fulfillment of the conventionality control – a system of vertical compatibility according to which all the infra-constitutional legislation to be produced by Brazil must be necessarily and previously submitted to an analysis of compatibility with the Brazilian Constitution and the Human Rights treaties, in order not to suffer from unconstitutionality or inefficiency, respectively. Finally, this research endeavors the analysis of the semantic of family in Brazil based on the consideration of three central arguments that permeate the discourse of the Federal Representatives and the Supreme Court Ministries, concerning the discussion of and confrontations between the Family State, the Brazilian Constitution of 1988, Human Rights and democracy, which are: the family as a naturalized institution; the primacy of the world view conferred by the evangelical Christians over all the others; and the understanding that democracy cannot be fulfilled by the merely satisfaction of the “will of the majority”.application/pdfAcesso AbertoFamíliaEstatuto da famíliaDemocraciaDireitos humanosFamilyFamily statuteDemocracyHuman rightsCIENCIAS SOCIAIS APLICADAS::DIREITOA semântica da família no jogo democrático brasileiro: uma análise da concepção de entidade familiar proposta pelo estatuto da família à luz dos direitos humanosThe semantics of family in the brazilian democratic game: an analysis of the conception of familial entity suggested by the family statute under the lights of human rightsDissertação