2014-11-202013-10-02OLIVEIRA, Natássia Duarte Garcia Leite de. Teatro dialético em terras estranhas: a (in)diferenciação entre sujeito e objeto na formação cultural. 2013. 277 f. Tese (Doutorado em Educação) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2013.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/3649This work is a result of a research developed from 2009 to 2013, compounding the set of productions at the study line Culture and Educational Processes of the Post-Graduation Program in Education at Faculty of Education/UFG, being bound to the Nucleus of Research and Studies: Society, Subjectivity and Education (NUPESE). The title of the thesis, Dialectical Theater in strange lands: the (in)differentiation between subject and object in cultural formation, searched theoretically the relationship between the Bertolt Brecht’s dialectical theatre and the critical theory of School Frankfurt, represented in the Theodor Adorno and Walter Benjamin’s works. The central problem of the research is: why and how brechtiano epic theatre is relevant for the conception of epic form overwhelmed by cultural industry? As a main objective, it sought critical theory contributions about (in)differentiation between subject and object for a reflection about epic theatre constitution. For this, concepts of strangeness and detachments were analyzed, dialoguing with: meaning of identification in freudiana theory; categories of strangeness, strangeness in himself and strange work in the marxist conception; and the bejaminiano concept of experience. In this sense, the work is a reflection of the dialogue of many voices, and its theoretical referential is Constantin Stanislavski, Berlot Brecht, Karl Marx, Sigmund Freud, Walter Benjamin, Theodor Adorno. We still based on readings of Viktor Choklovski, Eric Hobsbawn and Iná Costa’s works, like other ones, and the negative dialectical body and conceptual analysis of Adorno. At the end of the research, it was concluded that it is primordial the differentiation in the relationship between subject and object for the cultural formation of the subjects, in the actor, director, dramaturge or spectator positions. This question pervades through the mediation process, in which the subject constitutes himself, as well as the form and content of the object. Thus, it is necessary to intend the affective approach of the subject to what it is aesthetically produced, and the critical distance of the artistic experience, in ambivalent and contradictory relationship between particular and universal, subjectivity and objectivity, individual and society. Such dialectical movement may enable the subject to recognize himself in the critical creation with/of the object. So there is this experience for and by the formation, it is fundamental the affective link with the art work and subjects involved on the artistic work; and, still, the necessary strangeness and distance to the critical reflection in the possibility of overcoming barbarism in the sense of the subject autonomy.application/pdfAcesso AbertoTeatro dialéticoTeoria críticaFormação culturalIdentificaçãoEstranhamentoDialectical theatreCritical theoryCultural formationIdentificationStrangenessCIENCIAS HUMANAS::EDUCACAOTeatro dialético em terras estranhas: a (in)diferenciação entre sujeito e objeto na formação culturalDialectical theater in strange lands: the (in)differentiation between subject and object in cultural formationTese