2018-08-162018-07-02MOURA, L. S. Juventude e trabalho: o perfil do jovem aprendiz da rede pró-aprendiz-Go. 2018. 131 f. Tese (Doutorado em Sociologia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2018.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/8803The thesis discusses the reality of the young apprentice beyond formal work, demonstrating a multiplicity of experiences and experiences that involve his daily life. Work is a part of their lives, but their lives are not only completed in this context: they are continually involved in other perspectives, activities, needs and goals. This reflection shows that these young learners can also be represented in various contexts that go beyond the experience of formal work. Work is not the only means of sociability, learning and well-being: it may even, on the contrary, bring a series of harmful consequences for a young person in full social, cultural, intellectual and physical development. Young people do not want or just need work they long for more than a market place, but because of family need and pressure they spend a large part of their lives qualifying and working. Work represents for them autonomy, independence, experience and elevates self-esteem, but all this can be summed up in responding to expectations of family pressure and society. And, obtaining income, even if minimal, allows some autonomy and independence. But, the work may not respond to all the subjective needs of these young learners. A survey was carried out with young learners of the Pro-Apprentice Network. A total of 150 male apprentices and 151 female apprentices participated in the survey, all of whom answered a questionnaire in their own handbook, while 40 participated in the interview: 20 females and 20 males. The work is important for the young apprentice, since it provides the consumption of cellular and other important goods for the young person, feels more respected by the family and more independent. Believe that learning work will bring possibilities of future chances in the market. At the same time, he realizes that other factors that could be part of his life are as important as work: leisure, sports, knowledge, sociability and dignity. Opportunities for young people beyond work is an important debate on youth and society.application/pdfAcesso AbertoJovem aprendizSociabilidadeTrabalhoQualificaçãoYoung apprenticeSociabilityJobQualificationCIENCIAS HUMANAS::SOCIOLOGIAJuventude e trabalho: o perfil do jovem aprendiz da rede pró-aprendiz-GoYouth and work: the profile of the young apprentice of the pró-aprendiz-GoTese