2018-05-292018-05-16PINTO, A. Políticas públicas de promoção turística e desenvolvimento local e sustentável: um estudo de caso em Bolama-Bijagós/Guiné-Bissau. 2018. 103 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Administração) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2018.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/8525Any condition of economic development requires a consolidated planning work to achieve the prescribed goal. Tourism activity today is patented as a capable sector to promote a raised economic and a progress in social areas, cultural and environmental. However, the choice for development and regulation through tourism is extremely complex. In addition to being a multisectoral activity, it brings along with its development, several positive and negative impacts, necessity of effective public policies to sustain itself over time. The present study evaluates the impact of public policies of tourism promotion for local and sustainable development in Bolama- Bijagós. It was realized a study concerning tourism in Bolama-Bijagós, a city located in the insular part of Guinea-Bissau. A collection of data and information was firstly done in secondary sources, such as laws, archives and trades. Through this technique it was possible to understand the strength of tourist sector in the scope of economic development, particularly in Bolama-Bijagós. Afterwards, the work of field was carried out through the semi-structured interview, with the participation of several stakeholders in the tourism sector, with the intention of analyzing how the political of tourism promotion impacts local development in three aspects: economic, social and environmental. It was observed that the tourist activity should be planned as a relationship between the social actors of the local communities, as a capable tool to combat the implantation of negative tourism of development, or the one that does not consider the peculiarities of the local involved community. The study of tourism found that tour operators are the biggest gainers of tourism in Bijagós Island. The study suggests greater inclusion of communities in the process of tourism development through consideration of local organizational factors. The research concludes that tourism influenced development on this island, but the lack of participation of the local communities in the decisions and formulations of the action of tourist activity did not attend the social needs.application/pdfAcesso AbertoTurismo politicas públicasDesenvolvimento localSustentabilidadeBolama-BijagósTourism publics politicsLocal developmentSustainabilityBolama-BijagósADMINISTRACAO PUBLICA::ORGANIZACOES PUBLICASPolíticas públicas de promoção turística e desenvolvimento local e sustentável: um estudo de caso em Bolama-Bijagós/Guiné-BissauPublic policies for tourism promotion and local and sustainable development: a case study in Bolama-Bijagós/Guiné-BissauDissertação