2018-05-212018-03-06SANTOS, V. L. L. Sobre operações unitárias e a implementação da lei 10.639 no ensino de Química: o ato de cozinhar como prática social. 2018. 126 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Química) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2018.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/8496In our educational setting, especially in the teaching of science, we need to disseminate and recover historical, scientific and cultural references of the black continnum that dialogue in knowledge between the Brazilian land (from here) and the African lands (from there). In the premise, this study presents discussions about the decolonization of the curriculum of science teaching, especially in the field of teaching chemistry, in which we consider that all social subjects live in a multicultural society, were each group (African, Indigenous, Asian and European) that founded this is Brazilian society brought with it culture, historical and social elements that need to be present at the Brazilian multicultural table, precipitously the ambiguous and continuous knowledge of the black population of past and present culminated in the food culture of the Brazilian people, such as Feijoada and other dishes. For such, we use pedagogical interventions coined in a curriculum based on the development of the student’s potentialities, so that they can understand the African and Black Brazilian contributions for the country’s food culture, as well as, scientific knowledge involved in the transformation, structure and property of the present matter from raw to cooked (intersection link that promotes culture). The empirical results presented here were collected in an experimental chemistry discipline that focuses on the decolonization of the curriculum. This discipline was based on developing an epistemic displacement of the curriculum of chemistry, having by theme the law 10.639/03. We present the empirical results of two pedagogical interventions developed in the discipline, the chemistry in the preparation of Feijoada and the role of vitamin C in the preservations and cure of scurvy: the feeding of diaspora black. Our results point to and demonstrate ways for us to teach Chemistry though elements of the quilombistas epistemic matrix. The results also point out we need to rethink the relationship between chemical knowledge and interventions about ethnic-racial diversity in classrooms, and how such relationship promote, the social maturation of our students.application/pdfAcesso AbertoCultura alimentarEnsino de QuímicaDescolonização do currículoFood cultureTeaching ChemistryCurriculum decolonizationCIENCIAS EXATAS E DA TERRA::QUIMICASobre operações unitárias e a implementação da lei 10.639 no ensino de Química: o ato de cozinhar como prática socialOn unit operations and the Law 10,639 implementation on the teaching Chemistry: social practice the cooking actDissertação